Volume 107, Page 1285 View pdf image (33K) |
31 UNION TICKET. For Judge—Thomas A. Spence, 30. For Sheriff—Joseph Coulbourn, 30. For County Commissioners—Thomas B. Moore, 31; James Phoebus, 30; James K. Rayfield, 30. For Surveyor—C. C. Donoho, 30. STATE or MARYLAND, Somerset Comfy, to-wit: I hereby certify that the aforegoing is truly copied from the original now on file in the office of the Clerk of the Cir- cuit Court for Somerset County. In . testimony whereof, I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of the said Circuit Court, this [SEAL.] 26th day of December, Anno Domini, 1865. LEVIN WOOLFORD, Clerk. November 7th, 186—. At an election held at Whichbridge in the Tenth Election District of Somerset County, on Tuesday the 7th day of November eighteen hundred and sixty-five, to elect one Judge of the Circuit Court, one Sheriff, three County Com- missioners and one Surveyor. Present: WM. E. JONES, ) WM. A. D. BOUNDS,} Judges. THOS. W. STONE, } LESTBR D. OVERTON, ? /,, J.. SORIN BARBON, Clerks. OATHS ADMINISTERED TO THE JUDGES. I, Wm. E. Jones, do swear that I will permit all persons to vote who shall offer to poll at the election, now to be held for Somerset County, who, in my judgment, shall, ac- cording to the directions contained in the Constitution and Laws, be entitled to poll at the same election, who is not, in my judgment, qualified to vote as aforesaid, and I will in all things execute the office of Judge of the said election, ac- cording to the best of my knowledge, without favor or par- tiality. So help me God. WM. E. JONES. Sworn before: Thos W. STONE. |
Volume 107, Page 1285 View pdf image (33K) |
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