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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1866
Volume 107, Page 1052   View pdf image (33K)
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The bill entitled, an Act to authorize the South Baltimore
Company to hold land to the amount of five thousand acres,
and to increase its capital;
The bill entitled, an Act supplementary to an Act author-
izing the transcribing of certain records of indexes in the of-
fice of the Register of Wills for Frederick county, passed by
the General Assembly of Maryland at its January Session,
1858, chapter 28;
The bill entitled, an Act to prohibit the issuing of any li-
cense for the sale of spirituous or fermented liquors within
three miles of the churches in Mechanicstown, Frederick
county, Maryland, and to prevent the sale of all kinds of in-
toxicating liquors within the above described limits;
The bill entitled, an Act to repeal section 74, of article 13,
in the Code of Public Local Laws, and re-enact the same
with amendments;
The bill entitled, an Act authorizing the trustees of the
Methodist Protestant Church, situated on the north-west
corner of Fayette and Aisquith streets, in the city of Balti-
more, to sell a certain lot of ground;
The bill entitled, an Act to authorize James Richardson,
of St. Mary's county, to erect two gates on a public road
passing through his lands in said county;
The bill entitled, an Act to incorporate the Colored Labor-
ing Sons and Daughters Beneficial Society of Hagerstown;
The bill entitled, an Act to pay to John Quigly, a private
in Battery B. First Maryland Light Artillery, the same
amount of bounty which has been paid under the Act of
1864, chapter 15, to other members of said battery;
The bill entitled, an Act to incorporate the Cherrystone
Steam Navigation Company;
Severally endorsed, "passed by yeas and nays."
Also, a bill entitled, an Act to incorporate the Baltimore
Warehouse and Security Company;
Endorsed, "rejected."
Also, a bill entitled, an Act to incorporate the Insulated
Lines Telegraph company;
Endorsed, "passed by yeas and nays with proposed amend-
The amendment was concurred in; and

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1866
Volume 107, Page 1052   View pdf image (33K)
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