Volume 106, Page 45 View pdf image |
45 returne is made Entries Returnable ye: Second Tuesday in March Ao:Do: 1689/90 by the Sherife Caps: agt: Phillip Wallhoune to answr: unto George Layfeild & Elizabeth his wife executrix of y last will n:est:Invts: Testamt: of Collo: William Stevens deceased in a plea of trespas upon the Case Cepi Caps: agt: Richard Shockley to answr: unto George Layfeild & Eliza: his wife executrix of the last will & Testament of Collo: William Stevens deceased in a plea of Debt not executed Caps: agt: John Haswell to answr: unto Jacob Preene in a plea of trespas upon the Case S Summons for Samuell Willson Tymothy Willson John Colebrake & John Henry Capta: Henry Smith & Michael Holland deft: on the part of y plt: in an accon of accot: S Summons for Samuell Willson. Tymothy Willson & Wm: Piper Capta: Henry Smith plt Michaell Holland deft: in an accon of trespas on the part of y plte Cepi Caps: agt: Peter Bodkin to answr: unto John Colebraith in a plea of trespas on the Case Henry Lynch S & Allexander Mck:Swine Evidences on the part of y plte Cepi Caps: agt: Joseph Thaxter mccht to answr: unto Capta: Henry Smith in a plea of trespas on the Case Cepi Caps: agt: Ditto Thaxter to answr: unto Ditto Smith in a plea of trespas on the Case Cepi Caps: agt: John Rowell to answr: unto Capta: Henry Smith ina plea of trespas on the Case agreed Caps: agt: William Morris to answr: unto John Webb in a plea of Debt Cepi Caps: agt: Jno: Trubshaw to answr: unto John Webb in a plea of trespas on the Case Cepi Sierę facs:agt: Edm Beauchamp for 6100 pound of tob: & Charges due to Henry Lynch on an order obtain agt: him y 11th: day of March Ao:Do: 1685 S Summons for Thomas Everdon Lancelot James William Murton & John West at the request of Capta: Wm: Coleborne to prove the will of Collo: William Coleborne deceased Caps: adSatisfacient Natha: Davis for twelve hundred pound of tobacco debt recovered 11th: June last past & Two hundred fifty seaven pound tob Charges in all fourteene hundred fifty seaven pounds of tob: to Henry Lynch Cepi Caps: agt: Henry Lynch Marcht: to answr: unto Teague Riggen in an accon of the Case Cepi: S Caps: agt: Samuell Hopkins to answr: unto Walter Taylor in an accon of y Case Evidence Samll:Marchmt:on y part Cepi Caps: agt: Archibald Holmes to answr: unto Peter Whaples in an accon of the Case Cepi & agreed Sumons for Wm: Jones of Poco & Ricd: Lewis on behalfe of Edm: Howard plt agt: Henry Sadbury deft: Sumons for Ricd: Webb & Eliza: ffleming on part of Sere: Townsend deft: agt: Wm: Morris plte Cepi & agreed Caps: agt: Mannasses Morris to answr: unto John Rutter in a plea of Debt Cepi & agreed Caps: agt: Mannasses Morris to answr: unto John Rutter in an accon of Slander Evidences Jno: Langford & Wm: Teaples on pt of not executed Caps: agt: John Prowin to answr: unto Martin Curtis in a plea of debt S Summons for Wm: Elgate & Thomas Porter on y part of Wm: Harper deft: agt: Richard Plucket plt S Sumons for Jno: Parker Wm: Allexander Senr: Jno: Wood & Adrian Gorde at request of James Ingram on behalfe of C S: Sumons for Roger: Burkham and Stephen Costin. Thomas: ffenwick: Plt. William ffossett deft: on part of the defendt: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - S Sumons for Thomas: Pool. Roger Burkham and Edmund Beauchamp on behalfe of Jno:Strawbridg agt.And JC S Sumons for Steph: Costin & Tho: Everton on the prt of Tho: Carey plt. agt. Wm. Hayman defendt S Sumons for Samo: Wilson on prt of Michael:Holland plt agt Capt.Henry: Smith defendt S Sumons for Sarah:Taylor for Teague Riggin plt agt Henry Lynch deft. Cepi Caps: agt: Lawrence Crawford to answr: unto Jno: Snow in a plea of debt for 200lb: of pork Ralph Milburn & Richard Davis Evidense for plte Sierę fac agt: Jno: Kirke admr: of Edward ffurlong for 3102lb:of tob: on an ordr. obtained agt:him by mr. ffrancis Jenckins y 10th. of ffebr. 1686 Cepi & Caps: agt: Andrewe Whittington to answr: unto Jno: Strawbridge in a plea of trespas upon y Case Evidences Capt: Sumoned David Browne: Captr: Robert King & Adam Heath not executed Caps: agt: Thomas Poole to answr unto Hugh Stevenson in a plea of Debt Jno:Browne Ev: on y part of y plte Cepi Caps: agt: Lawrence Crawford to answr: unto Wm: Holmes mr.cht. in a plea of debt |
Volume 106, Page 45 View pdf image |
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