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consideration of the legislature, a code of testamentary laws:
And whereas the object of the said resolution THIS being the day appointed by both houses for the purpose of electing a senator to represent this state in the senate of the United States, in the room of Richard Potts, Esquire, whose seat is vacated by his resignation, we propose immediately to go into a ballot for the same. John Eager Howard, Esquire, and Richard Sprigg, junior, Esquire, are put in nomination by this house. We have appointed Mr. Philip B. Key, and Mr. Daniel Reintzel, to join such gentlemen as you may appoint to examine the ballots. By order, W. HARWOOD, clk. Which was read. The following message was prepared, read and agreed to, and sent to the house of delegates by the clerk. WE concur with your proposition of entering immediately into an election of a senator to represent this state in the senate of the United States, in the room of Richard Potts, Esquire, resigned, and have appointed James Hollyday and John Chesley, Esquires, to examine the ballots in conjunction with the gentlemen mentioned in your message. No gentleman is named in the senate in addition to those nominated by you. By order, A. VAN-HORN, clk. Agreeably to the order of the day, the senate proceeded tot he election of a senator to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Richard Potts, Esquire, of his seat in the senate of the United States. The ballot box was prepared, the ballots deposited therein, sealed up, and delivered to the committee of the senate appointed to meet the committee of the house of delegates, who retired to the conference room, and after examining the ballots returned and reported, that John Eager Howard, Esquire, had a majority of votes of all the attending members of the legislature. It is thereupon declared in the senate, that John Eager Howard, Esquire, is duly elected a senator to represent this state in the senate of the United States. The clerk of the house of delegates delivers to the clerk of the senate a bill, entitled, An act for erecting a new bridge over Dividing Creek, between the counties of Somerset and Worcester, thus endorsed; " By the house of delegates, November 19, 1796: Read the first time and ordered to " lie on the table. " By order, W. HARWOOD, clk. " By the house of delegates, November 21, 1796: Read the second time and will pass. " By order, W. HARWOOD, clk." Which was read the first time and ordered to lie on the table. T U E S D A Y, November 22, 1796. THE senate met. Present the same members as
on yesterday. The proceedings of yesterday W E D N E S D A Y, November 23, 1796 THE senate met. Present the same members as
on yesterday. The proceedings of yesterday
and that the money therein placed to his credit be applied to the certificate of the tract of land called Rigdon's Hardship, and that the same proceedings be had upon the said certificate in the several offices as if the said account had not been closed. By order, W. HARWOOD, clk. Which was read the first time and ordered to lie on the table. C |
Volume 105, Page 9 View pdf image (33K) |
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