Volume 105, Page 50 View pdf image (33K) |
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" By the house of delegates, December 28, 1796: Read the second
time and will pass.
Charles Mankin and his securities to the state of Maryland, and that the said Charles Mankin be allowed to pay the debt due on his his bond to the state according to the following instalments, to wit: One third of the whole balance on or before the tenth day of November next, and on the tenth day of November in each year until the whole shall be paid, and provided also, that the interest on the whole sum shall be paid annually as it becomes due. By order, W. HARWOOD, clk. due to this state, be requested, and he is hereby requested and desired, to lay before the next general assembly, in writing, early in te session, the instructions by him given to the solicitors and agents employed for the recovery thereof; and also to communicate to the assembly, in writing, such information as he may receive from such person or persons relative to the same; and that he also lay before it a statement of the suit or suits now depending in the court of chancery in England, with the parties thereto, and such further process therein as may be insituted or commenced before the next session. By order, W. HARWOOD, clk. Which said resolutions were severally read the first time and ordered to lie on the table. The clerk of the house of delegates returns the bill, entitled, An act to incorporate a company for building a bridge over Jone's Falls in Baltimore-town, thus endorsed; " By the house of delegates, " December 26, 1796: Read the first time and ordered to lie on the table. " By order, W. HARWOOD, clk. " By the house of delegates, December 28, 1796: Read the second time and will pass with the proposed " amendments. " By order, W. HARWOOD, clk." Amendments proposed. In the 15th line of the 3d page strike out "Oct." and "1798" amd insert " October seventeen hundred and ninety-eight." In the 3d line from the bottom of the 3d page strike out the word "penny" and insert "cent." 2d line from the bottom, same page, make same amendment. Last line in same page make same amendment. Which said amendments were agreed to by the senate, and the bill ordered to be engrossed. The bill, entitled, An act to erect Baltimore-town, in Baltimore county, into a city, and to incorporate the inhabitants thereof, with the amendments thereto, and the resolution respecting shares in the bank of Baltimore, were sent to the house of delegates by the clerk. The president communicates to the senate an address to the general assembly of Maryland, respecting elections in Prince-George's and Anne-Arundel counties; which was read and referred to the consideration of the next general assembly. On motion, the honourable Littleton Dennis, Esquire, brings in and delivers to the president the following resolution: the manor in said county into lots, under the direction of the commissioners of confiscated estates, and returned certificates of each lot sold to the land-office of the western shore, several of which certificates, upon examination, were found to be erroneous, and the said Dyre Betton afterwards died, without having corrected the said certificates: And whereas Robert Seney, afterwards surveyor of the said county, appointed John Brown Hackett, one of the deputy surveyors of said county, to resurvey the said lots, and correct the said certificates, who began the work, but before the same |
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Volume 105, Page 50 View pdf image (33K) |
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