teachers of each of the said grammar schools respectively, by the visitors
and directors
thereof, except Anne-Arundel and Kent counties, and the treasurers of
the eastern and western shores respectively are hereby required to pay
the said
sum, in manner aforesaid, to the order or orders of the said visitors and
or a majority of them; provided nevertheless, that nothing herein contained
be construed to entitle the visitors and directors of any such county school
to the
sum of money aforesaid, unless there shall be the number of fifteen students
the learned languages, or of the mathematics, in such school; provided
that no order or orders for the whole or any part of the above-mentioned
sum shall be drawn on the treasurer of the western or eastern shore by
visitors and directors of any county school in virtue of this act, until
proper and
sufficient schools are provided for the reception of scholars, a teacher
or teachers
actually engaged.
VI. And be it
enacted, That the said visitors
and directors shall meet at least
twice in each year, in stated semi-annual meetings, to be appointed by
their own
ordinances, and at such other times as they may direct, in order to examine
progress of the students and scholars in literature, to hear and determine
upon all
complaints and appeals, and rights and jurisdictions belonging or in anywise
to the directors and visitors established by this act; and the several
of money directed by this act to be paid to the visitors and directors
of the
grammar school, for the use of the said schools, are hereby directed to
be paid
to the said trustees or visitors, to be by them applied in the same manner,
and to
the same purposes, as the visitors and directors to be constituted in virtue
of this
act are required; and in all cases wherein two or more counties may have
a joint
public school, the visitors or trustees thereof shall be and they are hereby
and empowered to receive the several sums of money to which the
visitors and directors of such counties are by this act entitled to receive,
to be by
them applied in the same manner as the visitors and directors are required
by this
act to apply the same, any thing in this act to the contrary notwithstanding;
provided nevertheless, that nothing in this act shall be construed to prevent
county of this state from having a county school, appointed in virtue of
act, shall find it more convenient to erect a school of their own, in which
the said visitors and directors so appointed shall draw the proportion
of money
allowed by this act to their county, and apply it to said county school.
VII.. And
be it enacted, That the said
visitors and directors of the several
counties in this state shall and they are hereby authorised and empowered
to draw
on the treasurers of their respective shores for the following sums, semi-annually,
to with: Saint-Mary's county, four hundred dollars; Charles, four
hundred and
eighty dollars; Calvert, two hundred and forty dollars; Prince-George's,
hundred dollars; Montgomery, five hundred and sixty dollars; Washington,
seven hundred and eighty dollars; Allegany, two hundred and sixty dollars;
Frederick, one thousand four hundred and twenty dollars; Anne-Arundel,
hundred and eighty dollars; Baltimore-town and county, one thousand four
hundred and sixty dollars; Harford, five hundred and eighty dollars; Cæcil,
four hundred and eighty dollars; Kent, three hundred and twenty dollars;
Queen-Anne's, four hundred dollars; Caroline, three hundred and sixty dollars;
Talbot, three hundred and sixty dollars; Somerset, four hundred dollars;
five hundred dollars; Worcester, four hundred dollars; and the said
sums, when by them received, shall be applied, by the consent and with
approbation of a majority of the visitors and directors in each county,
in the
following manner, for the purpose of promoting useful knowledge and education;
that is to say, the said visitors
and directors shall pay to able school-masters, of
good moral character, in different parts of their respective counties,
a sum not
under ten nor exceeding fifty dollars each, in any one year; and each school-master,
for every ten dollars by him received, shall in each year teach and educate
three poor boys, which boys shall be specified and named to him in writing
by a majority of the visitors and directors.
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