property sequestered may, at the discretion of the court, be applied
to the purpose
for which judgment, decree, decision or order, was given.
IV. And be it
enacted, That the act of assembly
for instituting orphans courts,
and every supplement or act in addition thereto, shall be and are hereby
from the time when the operation of this act is to commence.
V. And
be it enacted, That this act
shall operate and be in full force from
and after the ------ day of ------ next, and shall continue in force until
end of the year one thousand eight hundred and three.
By the HOUSE of DELEGATES, December
26, 1796.
ON motion,
ORDERED, That the bill, entitled, An act for the encouragement
of learning in the several counties of this state, and to establish an
uniform system of education, be published with the laws of this session,
for the consideration
of the people.
By order,
W. HARWOOD, clk.
An ACT for the encouragement of learning
in the several counties
of this state, and to establish an uniform system of
WHEREAS institutions for the liberal
education of youth, in different
parts of this state, would have beneficial effects in training up and
continuing a succession of able and virtuous men for discharging the
various offices and duties of public and private life: And whereas
many who
would wish to give their children such education have it not in their power,
want of convenient schools where the rudiments of such education might
be had
at a moderate expence,
II. Be
it enacted, by the General
Assembly of Maryland, That a grammar
school shall be founded in each county of this state, at which youth may
be instructed
in the learned languages, and the arts and sciences; and the seven persons
in each county herein after named are hereby appointed and constituted
and directors of the several county schools in their respective counties,
by the name of Visitors and Directors of such county school, shall have
and be able to sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded, in any court
law or equity within this state, and to make and have a common seal, and
same to break and alter when and so often as they shall think fit.
III. And
be it enacted, That the said
visitors and directors, or a majority of
them, shall have full power and authority to purchase a quantity of land,
exceeding three hundred acres, in the county, and the same to hold to them,
and their successors, for ever, in their corporate capacity aforesaid,
and thereon
to erect such buildings as may be necessary for the carrying into effect
the intentions
of this act, and to agree with and appoint a person or persons of good
moral character and ability as a teacher or teachers of the said school;
and the
said visitors and directors shall also have power to prescribe such a plan,
and lay
down such regulations, as they shall judge most necessary for the instruction
improvement of the scholars in their respective schools.
IV. And
be it enacted, That the sum of
two hundred and fifty dollars shall, as a
public donation, be semi-annually applied to the payment of the teacher