JOHN H. STONE, Esquire, Governor.
1796. |
An ACT to empower the levy court of Harford county to assess
and levy a sum of money for the purposes therein
mentioned. |
Passed December
30. |
WHEREAS Samuel Day, of Harford county, by his petition to this
general assembly has set forth, that he is an extreme poor man,
that he hath a wife, who has for a long time been afflicted, and that
he is now, from the infirmities of old age, rendered unable to support
his family
by hard labour, and praying that a law may pass to provide for the
support of
his wife, out of the poor-house; and the prayer of said petition appearing
II. Be it enacted,by
the General Assembly of Maryland, That the justices of
Harford county shall be and they are hereby directed and empowered,
at their
levy courts annually, so long as they may see cause, to assess and
levy on said
county a sum of money, not exceeding forty dollars, for the support
and maintenance
of the wife of the said Samuel Day aforesaid, and that the same be
and paid annually to the aforesaid Samuel Day by the collector or collectors
Harford county, agreeable to the order of the levy court aforesaid. |
Justices to levy
&c. |
An ACT authorising commissioners to survey, mark and bound,
certain streets in Beatty and Hawkin's addition
to George-town,
in Montgomery county, and for other purposes therein
mentioned. |
Passed December
31. |
WHEREAS sundry inhabitants of George-town, and the additions
thereto, in Montgomery county, proprietors, and others, of lots in
Beatty and Hawkin's addition to George-town aforesaid, have, by
their petition to this general assembly set forth, that in the year
seventeen hundred
and sixty-nine Charles Beatty and George Frazier Hawkins laid out a
known by the name of Beatty and Hawkin's addition to George-town; that
lots of said addition were disposed of by way of lottery, under the
direction of
three commissioners, appointed to lay out the same, and conduct the
drawing of
the lottery; that the drawings of said lottery were entered in two
books prepared
for that purpose, under the direction of said commissioners, one of
which was
to have been deposited, or recorded, among the records of Frederick
county, and
the other to remain for the use of the commissioners; that the book
so to have
been deposited or recorded does not appear to have been recorded, and
now be come at, the place only having been recorded; that William Deakins,
junior, the only surviving commissioner, holds the book originally
intended for
the commissioners, as also the drawings of the lottery; that the original
plan is
now in the possession of Charles Beatty, one of the original and present
that there are as yet conveyances to be made for at least one hundred
in said addition; that the list of the drawing said lottery, in the
hands of William
Deakins, junior, is the only evidence of the titles thereto; and further,
that the boundaries of said addition are very incorrect, in some places
sixteen feet
distant from the intention of the plan, owing in part to the incorrectness
of the
surveyor who laid out the same, but in many instances the boundaries
been thrown down, some of which cannot be found; there being a sufficiency
ground in said addition to give each lot its full quantity, and that
no person can
possibly thereby be injured, have prayed that an act may pass, empowering
to cause an accurate survey of one, two, three, four, five, six, seven
and eight-streets, in said addition, and to establish permanent bounds
the same, to perpetuate and ascertain the true location thereof, having
regard to
the original design, and not incommoding the present buildings; which
thought reasonable; therefore,
II. Be it enacted,by
the General Assembly of Maryland, That John Threlkeld,
Thomas Beall, of George, and George Fenwick, or a majority of them,
be and
they are hereby authorised and requited, after giving four weeks notice
in the
George-town news-paper of the time, place and intentions, of their
meeting; |
&c. |