1796. |
How penalties,
&c. are
to be recovered,
A majority
necessary, &c.
Persons sued
may plead,
thereafter, paid to the said bailiff for every day of the impounding
of any goose
the sum of one shilling current money, and for every day of impounding
swine the sum of three shillings and nine-pence current money, it shall
and may
be lawful for such bailiff to sell the same at public sale, and to
pay the balance
to such owner or owners, after deducting three shillings for every
goose, and
eleven shillings and trhee-pence for every swine, so impounded as aforesaid,
and every of which sum or sums of money shall be paid by the bailiff
to the
commissioners of the said town, for the use of the said town.
XV. And be it
enacted, That all the penalties, fines and forfeitures, which
may be incurred by any person or persons in virtue of this act, and
all other
monies arising in virtue of this act, shall be recovered, by and in
the name od
the said commissioners, before a single magistrate, as in case of small
debts, and
the said penalties, fines and forfeitures, and all other monies arising
in consequence
of this act, shall be appropriated by the said commissioners to the
and benefit of the said town, in such manner, and at such times, as
the said
commissioners shall judge proper.
XVI. And be it
enacted, That not less than a majority of the whole commissioners
for the time being shall be sufficient to constitute a board for the
transacting of any business, except that of adjournment; and the said
shall have full power and authority to remove any of the officers
appointed in virtue of this act at any time they may think proper,
and to appoint
others in their places.
XVII. And be
it enacted, That if any suit or action be commenced against
any person or persons for any thing done in pursuance of this act,
such person or
persons may plead the general issue, and give this act in evidence,
any law,
custom or usage, to the contrary notwithstanding. |
Passed December
30. |
An ACT to authorise and empower the president and directors of
the Patowmack company to contract the breadth of
the locks at
the Great falls of Patowmack |
President, &c.
may contract
the locks, &c. |
WHEREAS by an act of the general assembly, passed November session,
one thousand seven hundred and eighty-four, entitled, An act
for establishing a company for opening and extending the navigation
of the river Patowmack, it is, amongst other things, provided, that
the tolls
therein established shall be payable only on condition the said Patowmack
shall make the river well capable of being navigated, in dry seasons,
Payne's Falls to the Great Falls, by vessels drawing one foot water,
and from the
Great Falls to tide water, and shall, at or near the Great Falls, make
a cut or
canal twenty-five feet wide, and four feet deep, with sufficient locks,
if necessary
each eighty feet in length, sixteen feet in breadth, and capable of
vessels or rafts drawing four feet water at the least: And whereas
it is
represented to this general assembly, by the president and directors
of the Patowmack
company, that the breadth of the locks as above directed is unnecessarily
great, and that the contraction of the same to the breadth of fourteen
feet would
render the said locks more complete, and considerable lessen the expence
of finishing
the same;
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the president
and directors of the said Patowmack company, or a majority of them,
be and
they are hereby authorised and empowered to contract the locks at the
Falls of Patowmack to any breadth they may think proper, provided the
ve not of less breadth than fourteen feet; and that when the
said locks are completed
of the breadth thereby authorised, the said company be entitled to
all the
tolls, benefits and advantages therefrom, which by law they would be,
the said locks had been completed of the breadth of sixteen feet, any
thing in
any act to the contrary notwithstanding. |