JOHN H. STONE, Esquire, Governor.
1796. |
III. Provided
always, and be it enacted,
That all books, memorandums
and entries, of late sheriff, and his deputies, in which his accounts as
sheriff and collector are stated and kept, shall be delivered by James
junior, his administrator, to the said securities, or a majority of them,
on demand,
and shall be deposited in the hands of John Caradine, or such persons as
to the securities may direct, in Centreville, to be freely inspected and
without cost or charges, by any person or persons who shall apply that
in order to ascertain any payments that may have been made upon his, her
or their account; and provided also, that the said James Bryon, junior,
he shall deliver the said books, memorandums and entries, to the said securities,
or a majority of them, shall make oath, before a justice of the peace for
county, that he the said James O'Bryon, junior, as administrator of the
said Thomas O'Bryon, hath not, directly or indirectly, received any part
parcel of the money or tobacco which was due and payable to the said Thomas
O'Bryon, as sheriff and collector of Queen-Anne's county, nor any security
satisfaction for the same, more than he has credited in the said books.
IV. And
be it enacted, That the said
securities, and the survivors of them,
shall have the same commission on the collection aforesaid as the said
would have been entitled to, and that all arrearages collected in virtue
of this
act shall be fairly applied to the discharge of the sums due by the securities
the respective years in which the said arrearages ought by law to have
been collected.
V. And
be it enacted, That nothing in
this act contained shall be construed
to take away or deprive the respective debtors for taxes, other public
dues and
officers fees, of the same remedies which they had against the original
and collector, in cases where nothing is alleged to be due, or the distress
execution are illegally conducted, but the same shall exist in full force
and virtue
against the said securities, and each of them. |
Books to be
allowed, &c.
Not to take away
&c. |
An ACT for establishing a company for opening and extending
the navigation of the river Pocomoke. |
Passed December
30. |
WHEREAS the extension of the navigation of Pocomoke river from
Snow-Hill to Mitchell's Bridge, and also as far as the division line of
the states of Maryland and Delaware, will be of great public utility,
and many persons are willing to subscribe large sums of money to effect
so laudable
and beneficial a work, and it being just and proper that they, their heirs
assigns, should be empowered to receive, by way of toll, satisfaction for
money advanced by them in carrying the work into execution, and the risk
run; therefore,
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That it shall and
may be lawful to open books in Baltimore-town, the city of Annapolis, George-town,
Easton, Chester-town, Cambridge, Princess-Anne-town, Snow-Hill-town,
Elkton, Centreville, Sailsbury, Denton, and a place called The Trap, in
county, for receiving and entering subscriptions for the said undertaking,
under the management of David McMechen, Alexander McKim and Thorowgood
Smith, or either of them, at Baltimore-town; Benjamin Harwood and
James Thomas, or either of them, at the city of Annapolis; William Hammond
Dorsey, Gustavus Scott and Daniel Reintzel, or either of them, at George-town;
David Kerr and John Erskine, or either of them, at Easton; William
Barroll and William Spencer, or either of them, at Chester-town; Joseph
and William Bond Martin, or either of them, at Cambridge; William Done
and Ezekiel Haynie, or either of them, at Princess-Anne-town; Samuel Handy
and Levin Handy, or either of them, at Snow-Hill-town; Lemuel Purnell and
William H. Nicholson, or either of them, at Centreville; Levi Hollingsworth
and William Moore, or either of them, at Elkton; Peter Dashiell and William
Gantt, or either of them, at Salisbury; Joshua Driver and Thomas Boone,
either of them, at Denton; and John P. Marshall and Stephen Purnell, or |
Books to be
opened, &c. |