1796. |
Right vested,
&c. |
that the legislature will pass an act to release the right of the state
in the said
property, and to vest the same in her and her children; and it appearing
to this
general assembly reasonable that the said petition should be granted,
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That all the right
the state of Maryland in the real and personal property be and is hereby
unto, and vested in, the said Eleanor Shuman, widow, and the children of
and the said Peter Shuman, names Aaron Shuman, Catolina Shuman, Albert
Jacob Shuman, Peter Shuman, John Shuman, Eleanor Shuman, William
Shuman, Isaac Shuman, Ganett Shuman and Anne Shuman, in manner following,
to wit: One third part of the real estate aforesaid is hereby vested
in the said
Eleanor Shuman, widow, during her natural life, and after her death to
her eleven
children before named, their heirs
and assigns, as tenants in common, and
the remaining two third parts of said real estate is hereby vested in the
children aforesaid, named Aaron Shuman, Catolina Shuman, Albert Shuman,
Jacob Shuman, Peter Shuman, John Shuman, Eleanor Shuman, William Shuman,
Isaac Shuman, Ganett Shuman and Anne Shuman, and their heirs and
assigns for ever, as tenants in common, in fee, and one third part of the
personal estate is hereby vested in the said Eleanor Shuman, the widow,
and the
remaining two thirds is hereby vested in the eleven children aforesaid,
to be
equally divided between them. |
Passed December
30. |
An ACT to allow further time for collecting the balances due to
Thomas O'Bryon, late sheriff and collector of Queen-Anne's
county, deceased. |
Mr. Hawkins,
&c. to collect,
&c. |
WHEREAS by an act of November session, seventeen hundred and
ninety-five, the aforesaid Thomas O'Bryon was authorised and empowered
to collect the arrearages of taxes and officers fees due and
owing to him, as sheriff and collector aforesaid, within a certain time
by the same act: And whereas the death of the aforesaid Thomas O'Bryon
prevented the said collection, and it appearing reasonable and just that
time should be allowed to the securities of the said Thomas O'Bryon for
collection aforesaid,
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Matthew
Hawkins, James O'Bryon, David Linsey, William Clayton, Edward Wright,
John H. Downes, Henry Pratt, Robert Waters and William Diamond, securities
of Thomas O'Bryon aforesaid, or a majority of them, or the survivors
of them, be and they are hereby authorised and empowered to collect, on
before the first day of January, seventeen hundred and ninety-eight, all
owing as aforesaid to the said deceased sheriff and collector for the years
hundred and ninety-three and seventeen hundred and ninety-four, in manner
following, to wit: That the aforesaid securities, or such person
or persons deputed
by them, or a majority of them, or the survivors of them, in the collection
aforesaid, shall, at least thirty days before execution or distress of
property for
the arrearages aforesaid, deliver to the person charged, or leave at his
or her last
place of abode, an account, stating the taxes, and the amount of fees due
the officers respectively, or such part thereof as may be claimed as due;
and the
said securities, or a majority of them, or their agent, shall, if they
be thereto
required by the person so charged, make oath before a justice of the peace,
the said account was taken fairly and truly from the books or papers of
the said
Thomas O'Bryon; and if the person or persons owing such taxes and officers
fees shall neglect or refuse to pay the same, it shall and may be lawful
for the
said securities, or a majority of them, or the survivors of them, to collect
same by execution or distress of property of the person or persons so refusing
neglecting, and to sell and dispose thereof, at public auction, at the
of ten days, exclusive of the day of seizure and day of sale, on giving
ten days
notice, by advertisement at the most public places of the neighbourhood,
and at
the court-house door of the county, of the day and hour of sale. |