THE PRESIDENT: Delegate Powers?
I meant to mention the fact that we have
three-minute limitation today again as we
had before, notwithstanding that yesterday
the schedule was amended to provide for
five. The Committee on Suffrage and Elec-
tions, including representatives of all of
the minority that will be reporting, after
the experience of yesterday concluded that
in view of the ample presentation which
will be made by or on behalf of Committee
Recommendation S&E-1 and on behalf of
all of the minority, and considering all of
the circumstances, they still believe that
the three-minute limitation will be ade-
quate, and that suggestion was adopted by
the Committee on Calendar and Agenda.
THE PRESIDENT: Is there any further
(There was no response.)
The question arises on the motion to
amend Debate Schedule No. 2 so as to in-
crease from three minutes to five minutes
the limitation for each speaker in the un-
controlled portions of the debate.
All those in favor, signify by saying
Aye; contrary, No. The Noes have it. It is
so ordered.
The question now arises on the motion
to resolve into the Committee of the Whole
for the consideration of Committee Recom-
mendation LB-I under Debate Schedule
No. 1, and consideration of Committee Rec-
ommendation S&E-1 under Debate Schedule
No. 2. Is there any further discussion?
(There was no response.)
All those in favor, signify by saying
Aye; contrary, No. The Ayes have it. It is
so ordered.
(Whereupon, at 10:15 A.M. the Conven-
tion resolved itself into the Committee of
the Whole.)
(The mace was removed by the Sergeant-
NOVEMBER 8, 1967—10:15 A.M.
THE CHAIRMAN: The Committee of
the Whole will now come to order. At the
conclusion of the session of the Committee |
of the Whole yesterday, we had finished
consideration of Amendment No. 1 to sec-
tion 3.01. Section 3.01 is now before you
for further amendment. Are there any
further amendments to section 3.01?
If not, we will move on—Delegate Glea-
I would like to have the amendment read
by the Clerk.
THE CHAIRMAN: The amendment is
called for.
The Clerk will read the amendment,
which should be Amendment No. 2 to Com-
mittee Recommendation LB-I.
READING CLERK: Amendment No. 2
to Committee Recommendation LB-I, by
Delegate Gleason:
On page 1 in section 3.01, Legislative
Power, line 16, strike out the words "House
of Delegates" and insert in lieu thereof
"House of Representatives"; and .
On pages 1, 2 and 3 in sections 3.04,
Composition of the Legislature, 3.05, Quali-
fications of Legislators, and 3.12, Legis-
lative Sessions, in each place where the
words "delegate", "delegates", or "Dele-
gates" appear, strike out such words and
insert in lieu thereof words "representa-
tive", "representatives", or "Representa-
tives", respectively.
THE CHAIRMAN: The proposed
Amendment No. 2 deals not only with sec-
tion 3.01, but also with sections 3.04, 3.05
and 3.12, which are not yet before the Com-
mittee of the Whole. The Chair would be
disposed to ask unanimous consent to con-
sider the amendment as one amendment at
the present time, even though the other
sections are not now before you, with the
understanding that action on this amend-
ment will not preclude consideration of
further amendments on the other sections.
Is there any objection?
(There was no response.)
If not, is there a second to the amend-
ment? Delegate Gill?
DELEGATE GILL: 1 second the amend-
THE CHAIRMAN: The Chair recog-
nizes Delegate Gleason to speak on the
and members of the Committee, this is a |