and in times of precarious peace, we fer-
vently pray that the way of lasting peace
will soon be found. Help us to discover
that unity in which each people can be its
own nation while all men acknowledge
their brotherhood.
We know, too, that thou hast endowed
man with the gift of creativity, and so, we,
here, thank thee for this opportunity to be
of creative service to thee and to our fellow
citizens of the State of Maryland. Enable
us to stand fast against influences that
would corrupt our potential. Empower us
to resist apathy, slovenliness, and the
temptation to give less than our best.
Lift us above the press of business until
we are captured by the call of thy business.
Give us a visionary faith which realizes
that, in the midst of the roar of the fac-
tory, the efficiency of the office, and the
big noise of small change in the market
place, thou too art working. To this end
may our labors in this place be marked by
integrity in effort, steadfastness in pur-
pose, and faithfulness in service.
At last, may all our efforts recognize the
freedom that is each man's heritage and
THE PRESIDENT: The Clerk will call
the roll. Delegates please answer as their
names are called.
(Whereupon, the Clerk called the roll.)
THE PRESIDENT: Delegates Philip H.
Dorsey and Charles A. Dukes, Jr., will
please come forward to the rail and take
the oath. The oath will be administered by
the Honorable Hall Hammond, Chief Judge
of the Court of Appeals of Maryland.
Will the delegates please step forward to
the desk and sign the Test Book?
The Chair recognizes Delegate Ralph W.
Powers, Chairman of the Committee on
Calendar and Agenda.
the Committee on Calendar and Agenda
adopts with due thanks to the Program
Committee the agenda on the first inside
page of the program which each delegate
has on his desk, and I move the adoption
of that report.
THE PRESIDENT: Is there a second?
It has been regularly moved and sec-
onded that the printed program on your
desk be adopted as the calendar and agenda
for this session. All those in favor signify |
by saying Aye; contrary, No. The Ayes
have it. It is so ordered.
It gives me great pleasure at this time
to ask Mr. Howard T. Brenner, President
of Samuel Kirk & Son, to ascend the
rostrum. It is doubly a pleasure for me to
present to you the Delegates of the Consti-
tutional Convention of Maryland, Mr.
MR. BRENNER: Mr. President, Honor-
ary President, Governor Tawes, Delegates
to the Convention:
When the Constitutional Convention Com-
mission approached my company with the
proposition that they desired a mace, a
symbol of popular sovereignty, for the
Constitutional Convention of 1967, we were
highly honored and thought it most appro-
priate that we should design, make and
present one to the Convention. After all,
we have been a part of and have enjoyed
the many blessings of the great State of
Maryland for more than 150 years.
In our archives we had the original pat-
terns of the Great Seal of Maryland used
when we made the silver service for the
cruiser Maryland in 1904. This service is
now on display here in the State House.
These in turn were exact reproductions
taken from the original seal, made of silver
in England and sent to the province in
1648. I understand this original seal is
now on display in the Hall of Records here
in Annapolis.
In designing the mace we incorporated
the seal, cast in silver. I understand ours
is the only state seal of strictly heraldic
character. This is supported in a circle of
silver, the circle being symbolic of con-
tinuity — without beginning or ending. On
the circle is inscribed "State of Maryland,
Constitutional Convention of 1967." The
handle and supporting base are of walnut.
And so, Mr. Eney, it is my privilege and
pleasure as a representative of Samuel
Kirk & Son to present to you, President of
the Constitutional Convention of 1967, and
the delegates here assembled, this mace, a
symbol of dignity and collective authority
of the Constitutional Convention which rep-
resents the popular sovereignty of the
people of Maryland.
THE PRESIDENT: Mr. Brenner, I am
very proud on behalf of the Constitutional
Convention to accept this very handsome
mace. It is another first for Maryland, I
believe, and it is particularly appropriate, |