A PROPOSAL that no political party or
candidate for state office may expend funds
in a general election from sources other
than those provided by the state budget,
and that such sums may not exceed the
total combined salaries of all such state
elected officials.
THE PRESIDENT: Delegate Proposal
No. 366 is referred to the Committee on
Suffrage and Elections. There is a memo-
randum by Delegate Frederick accompa-
nying that proposal.
Delegate Proposal No. 367. The Clerk
will read the proposal.
READING CLERK: Delegate Proposal
No. 367, by Delegates Gallagher and Bard.
A PROPOSAL that a daily journal shall
be kept by each house of the General As-
sembly; that bills and resolutions shall be
passed in public session; and that the vote
cast by each member on final passage of
a bill shall be recorded in the journal of
the house of which he is a member.
THE PRESIDENT: Delegate Proposal
No. 367 is referred to the Committee on the
Legislative Branch.
There is a memorandum accompanying
Delegate Proposal No. 367 by Delegates
Gallagher and Bard.
Delegate Proposal No. 368. The Clerk
will read the proposal.
READING CLERK: Delegate Proposal
No. 368, by Delegate Gallagher. Title,
A PROPOSAL that the effective date of
an act of the General Assembly shall be
July 1, unless an act shall designate a dif-
ferent date and be passed by a three-fifths
vote of each house.
THE PRESIDENT: Delegate Proposal
No. 368 is referred to the Committee on the
Legislative Branch. I believe that is all of
the proposals.
Resolution No. 16. The Clerk will read
the resolution.
READING CLERK: Resolution No. 16
by Delegates Bard, Bamberger, Gilchrist,
and Sollins.
A RESOLUTION suggesting that all
substantive committees prepare present-
ments of legislative ideas that flow from
those proposals that are not considered to
be issues for the Constitution, yet are valu-
able as suggestions for improvement of the
government of Maryland. |
THE PRESIDENT: Resolution No. 16
is referred to the Committee on Rules, Cre-
dentials and Convention Budget. Delegate
DELEGATE BARD: Mr. President,
Delegate Gill's name was left off of those
who are sponsoring this resolution. It was
on the original typing.
THE PRESIDENT: Each delegate
please note on his copy that one of the
sponsors of Resolution No. 16 is Delegate
The Chief Page has advised me I was
in error in announcing that the memo-
randum accompanying Delegate Proposal
No. 145 had been circulated. It has been
reproduced but has not yet been circulated.
Are there any other motions or resolu-
tions? Delegate Fornos?
I move that the Convention reject the pro-
posal by the Committee on Calendar and
Agenda to declare October 27 a holiday
for the Delegates of this Convention.
THE PRESIDENT: Is there a second?
(The motion was duly seconded.)
THE PRESIDENT: So that the matter
will be properly before the Convention, may
I suggest that your motion be rephrased,
that the Convention meet on October 27,
accept the change.
THE PRESIDENT: Does the seconder
THE PRESIDENT: The question arises
on the motion that the Convention meet on
Friday, October 27, 1967. Delegate Fornos.
we have been elected to serve for a ninety-
day term to do what already is a mo-
mentous job within those ninety days. It
has caused quite a bit of problem in my
own mind to see how we could possibly
then take it upon ourselves to say to the
people of the State of Maryland that,
though we knew this job was going to be
burdensome on us, and though we were
willing to exercise diligence to get elected,
that we need a little break in the middle
to recharge our batteries and go out so we
can come back to work refreshed.
All of the citizens of this state work at
least a five-day week and I cannot see
where this Convention is different from |