Methodist Church, Ellicott City, Maryland.
Reverend Mitzel.
REVEREND MITZEL: Let us unite in
Oh, Eternal God, bless us as we assemble
here this day. Oh, Thou, Who hast estab-
lished the laws of the world, bless these
delegates as they attempt to establish the
laws of our Free State. May Thy Spirit
rest upon each delegate here assembled for
this historic convention.
Grant that each may be blessed by in-
sight, vision, and courage. Insight to see
those problems that lie at the root of our
confused and troubled times, vision to be
aware of the opportunities that lie before
this convention, courage to work for those
laws which will be in harmony with Thy
Will. Oh, unseen Spirit that looks into the
hearts of all men, lift us up. Lift us above
party politics and petty selfishness and
perverse prejudice that we may attune our
lives, our thinking, and our decisions to
Thy Holy Will. That from this convention
shall come forth a document that will be
both pleasing to the citizens of our State
and in harmony with Thy great purposes.
Oh, Thou Who hast revealed Thy love in
the suffering servant, help us to be con-
scious of our opportunity to serve You
through this Convention. May each one be
filled with the new spirit of greatness that
comes through true service to one's fellow
man. Oh, Thou, Who art the Father of all
mankind and the ultimate judge of all the
acts of men, help these delegates so to
order our Constitutional Convention that
they may hear through eternity Thy words
"Well, done, Thou good and faithful ser-
vant; enter into the joy of the Lord."
(Whereupon the roll call was taken.)
THE PRESIDENT: Have all delegates
answered the roll call?
(There was no response.)
The Clerk will record the roll call. There
being a quorum present, the Convention is
in session.
The Chair recognizes Delegate Powers,
Chairman of the Committee on Calendar
and Agenda.
I move today's calendar and agenda be
adopted. |
THE PRESIDENT: Is there a second?
(The motion was duly seconded.)
THE PRESIDENT: Is there any discus-
(There was no response.)
All those in favor, signify by saying Aye;
contrary, No. The Ayes have it. It is so
ordered. The calendar is adopted.
Are there any reports of standing com-
mittees? If not, the next item on the agenda
is introduction and first reading of pro-
posals. There are only four proposals today,
Numbers 365 to 368.
Before reading those, I wish to re-refer
two other proposals. At my request, Pro-
posal No. 216 has been returned by the
Committee on General Provisions. I now
re-refer it to the Committee on Suffrage
and Elections. Please mark your copy. No.
At my request Proposal No. 279 has been
returned by the Committee on Suffrage and
Elections. I re-refer it to the Committee on
the Legislative Branch. 279 on Suffrage
and Elections to the Committee on the
Legislative Branch.
You have on your desk memoranda to
accompany Delegate Proposal Nos. 140 and
Delegate Proposal No. 365. The Clerk
will read the proposal.
READING CLERK: Delegate Proposal
No. 365, by Delegate Gilchrist. Title,
A PROPOSAL that the salary and al-
lowances of members of the General As-
sembly shall be as prescribed by law but
such salary shall not be less than $6,500.00
per year; that an additional salary equal
to one-half of the base salary prescribed
by law shall be paid to the president of the
Senate and to the speaker of the House;
that additional salaries to the chairmen of
committees of each house may be prescribed
by law; and that the compensation of mem-
bers shall not be altered during the term
in which such change shall be enacted,
THE PRESIDENT: Delegate Proposal
No. 365 is referred to the Committee on
the Legislative Branch. You should have
a memorandum by Delegate Gilchrist ac-
companying that proposal.
Delegate Proposal No. 366. The Clerk
will read the proposal.
READING CLERK: Delegate Proposal
No. 366, by Delegate Frederick. Title, |