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Proceedings and Debates of the 1967 Constitutional Convention
Volume 104, Volume 1, Debates 235   View pdf image (33K)
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[Oct. 12] DEBATES 235
THE PRESIDENT: My attention has
been called to an error in printing in that
the second page of Delegate Proposal No.
352 on the printed copy is not printed on
the reverse of page one but instead was
printed on the reverse of page one of the
memorandum accompanying Delegate Pro-
posal No. 352. If you will leave them in
your books, the pages will substitute cor-
rected copies before the session tomorrow.
Are there any further announcements?
(There was no response.)
If not, the Chair recognizes Delegate
Before that, are there any delegates pres-
ent now who were not present at roll call
desire to record their presence?
The Chair recognizes Delegate Powers.
I move we adjourn until 2:00 P.M. to-
THE PRESIDENT: All those in favor,
signify by saying Aye; contrary, No. The
Ayes have it. It is so ordered.
(Whereupon, at 2:30 P.M. the Convention
was adjourned to reconvene at 2:00 P.M. on
Thursday, October 12, 1967.)
OCTOBER 12, 1967 — 2:00 P.M.
THE PRESIDENT: The Convention will
please come to order.
It is a rare privilege today to tell you
that the invocation will be offered by the
Reverend John A. Grant of St. Andrews
Episcopal Church in Pasadena. Reverend
Grant is a brother of Delegate Grant from
Garrett County. Reverend Grant.
foundation of all wisdom, whose statutes
are good and gracious, and whose law is
truth, we beseech Thee so to guide and
bless the members of this convention that
it may ordain for our governance only such
things that please Thee to the glory of Thy
name and welfare of Thy people. Through
Jesus Christ, Your Son, Our Lord.
(Whereupon the roll call was taken.)
THE PRESIDENT: Have all delegates
indicated their presence?
(There was no response.)
The Clerk, will record the roll call. A
quorum being present, the Convention is
now in session. The Chair recognizes Dele-
gate Powers, Chairman of the Committee
on Calendar and Agenda.
I move adoption of the daily calendar and
(The motion was duly seconded.)
THE PRESIDENT: Delegate Scanlan.
I informed the Convention yesterday that
the sponsor of Resolution No. 1I had with-
drawn it, and that therefore our Ninth Re-
port would be confined only to the favorable
recommendations of Resolution No. 9, since
Resolution No. 8 has also been withdrawn.
I have just spoken to the sponsor of
Resolution No. 1I and he wishes a vote on
his resolution. Therefore, I move that we
amend today's calendar by including as an
item of business the committee's unfavor-
able report with respect to Resolution No.
THE PRESIDENT: Is there a second
to the motion?
(The motion was duly seconded.)
THE PRESIDENT: Is there any discus-
(There was no response.)
All those in favor of the amendment,
signify by saying Aye; contrary, No. The
Ayes have it. It is so ordered. All those
in favor of approving the calendar as
amended, signify by saying Aye; contrary,
No. The Ayes have it. It is so ordered.
Calendar as amended is approved.
Before we come to the next item of busi-
ness on the calendar, or I should say item
of pleasure, I would like to take this op-
portunity to inform the Convention that
this is a red letter day for a delegate to
the Convention and for at least three mem-
bers of the staff of the Convention, because
today is the day when the results of the
bar examination, which concluded on July
11, were announced.
It gives me great pleasure to advise you
that Delegate Melvin L. Schneider, at the
ripe age of twenty-one years, has just re-

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Proceedings and Debates of the 1967 Constitutional Convention
Volume 104, Volume 1, Debates 235   View pdf image (33K)
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