All those in favor, signify by saying Aye;
contrary, No. The Ayes have it. It is so
ordered. The calendar is adopted.
Reports of other standing committees. I
understand we have the Sixth Report of the
Committee on Rules. The Clerk will read
the report.
READING CLERK: The Sixth Report
of the Committee on Rules, Credentials and
Convention Budget.
THE PRESIDENT: The Chair recog-
nizes Delegate Scanlan.
Clerk dispense with further reading of the
report of the Committee on Rules.
THE PRESIDENT: Is there a second?
(The motion was seconded.)
THE PRESIDENT: It is regularly
moved and seconded that so much be con-
sidered the reading of the report. Is there
any discussion?
(There was no response.)
All those in favor, signify by saying Aye;
contrary, No. The Ayes have it. It is so
Are there any other reports of standing
(There was no response.)
THE PRESIDENT: If not, we will pro-
ceed to the introduction and first reading
of the proposals. There are thirteen today,
Numbers 248 through 260.
I wish to announce that Delegate Pro-
posals Nos. 164 and 182, which were hereto-
fore referred to the Committee on the Legis-
lative Branch, have been returned to me,
and I now re-offer them to the Committee
on Suffrage and Elections. These two pro-
posals should originally have been referred
to the Committee on Suffrage and Elections,
inasmuch as both deal with the referendum.
Please mark your copies: Delegate Proposal
No. 164 and 182.
Delegate Proposal No. 248. The Clerk
will read the proposal.
READING CLERK: Delegate Proposal
No. 248, by Delegates Chabot, Schloeder
and Harry Taylor. Title,
A PROPOSAL that a general election
shall be held in every even-numbered year
on the Tuesday next after the first Monday
in November or such other day as may be
appointed by federal law for the election |
of members of the United States House of
Representatives; that state officials shall be
elected at the general election in 1970 and
every fourth year thereafter; and that
county officials and Baltimore City officials
shall be elected at a general election held
on the Tuesday next after the first Monday
in November in 197I and every fourth year
THE PRESIDENT: Delegate Proposal
No. 248 is referred to the Committee on
Suffrage and Elections.
Delegate Proposal No. 249. The Clerk
will read the proposal.
READING CLERK: Delegate Proposal
No. 249, by Delegate Chabot. Title,
A PROPOSAL that the power of eminent
domain shall be exercised only by the State
or its subdivisions, or by any agency thereof
designated by law to exercise such power,
provided such agency is owned entirely by
the State or its subdivisions, other states
or their subdivisions, the United States, or
any combination of such owners.
THE PRESIDENT: Delegate Proposal
No. 249 is referred to the Committee on
Personal Rights and the Preamble.
Delegate Proposal No. 250. The Clerk
will read the proposal.
READING CLERK: Delegate Proposal—
THE PRESIDENT: Before the Clerk
reads that, there is a short memorandum
attached to Delegate Proposal 249, which
you should have.
READING CLERK: Delegate Proposal
No. 250, by Delegate Bard. Title,
A PROPOSAL that the consumer shall
be protected against unfair business prac-
THE PRESIDENT: Delegate Proposal
No. 250 is referred to the Committee on
General Provisions.
Delegate Proposal No. 251. The Clerk
will read the proposal.
READING CLERK: Delegate Proposal
No. 251, by Delegate Gallagher, at the re-
quest of the Committee on the Legislative
Branch. Title,
A PROPOSAL that the General Assem-
bly may consider, but shall not finally act
upon, supplementary appropriation bills
prior to the adoption of the budget bill.
Delegate Proposal No. 25I is referred to
the Committee on State Finance and Taxa-
tion. |