Committee Recommendation SF-3 and
SF-4 are referred to the Committee on
Style, Drafting and Arrangement.
The Chair has been requested to have
the reading clerk read an announcement.
Will you please read this announcement?
READING CLERK: Announcement by
Delegates E. J. Clarke and Clagett.
Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen of
the Convention :
It is with deep regret that we note the
death on December 3rd of T. Howard
Duckett. We commend to you the Washing-
ton Post editorial of December 5, 1967, en-
titled "T. Howard Duckett", which reads
in part as follows:
"Suburban Maryland had not yet
emerged from its turn-of-the-century
slumber when T. Howard Duckett began
his long career. He sensed that growth
would come and offered great opportuni-
ties. In Mr. Duckett's view, political
calm was essential to economic growth.
His death, at 87, deprives the suburbs of
one of the great captains of their
THE PRESIDENT: Are there any com-
mittee chairmen with announcements to
Delegate Morgan.
the meeting; scheduled for the Executive
Branch Committee immediately after this
session has been cancelled. I think it will be
sometime tomorrow when it will be held.
THE PRESIDENT: Are there any other
announcements by committee chairmen?
Delegate Penniman.
the Committee on Style has not been can-
celled. We will meet at about ten after
eight this evening.
THE PRESIDENT: Are there any other
announcements by committee chairmen?
Are there any other announcements by
other delegates? Any delegates present now
not present at roll call may indicate their
presence on supplemental roll call. The
Clerk will record the supplemental roll call.
As all of you know, the first item on the
agenda for the Committee of the Whole
tomorrow is consideration of Committee
Recommendation S&E-2 and following that
consideration of Committee Recommenda-
tion R&P-1. The Chair would hope to con-
clude the consideration of Committee Rec-
ommendation S&E-2 in the morning or
shortly thereafter and be well into con-
sideration of Recommendation R&P-1 —
Delegate Sherbow.
— Mr. President, rather —
THE PRESIDENT: Sorry. There is for
consideration Committee Recommendation
SF-5 that will come ahead of S&E-2. The
Chair recognizes Delegate Powers.
I move we adjourn until 10 o'clock to-
morrow morning.
THE CHAIRMAN: All those in favor,
signify by saying Aye; contrary, No. The
Ayes have it. It is so ordered.
(Whereupon, at 6:45 P.M., the Convention
was adjourned to reconvene at 10:00 A.M.,
Wednesday December 6, 1967.)
DECEMBER 6, 1967—10:00 A.M.
THE PRESIDENT: The Sergeant-at-
Arms will clear the aisles and close the
The Convention will please come to order.
The invocation this morning will be of-
fered by Rabbi Amiel Wohl of Baltimore
Hebrew Congregation in Baltimore City.
Rabbi Wohl.
RABBI WOHL: Brethren. We invoke
Thy blessing upon thy country and our
nation. Guard them Oh God, from calamity
and injury. Suffer not their adversaries to
triumph over them, but let the glories of
the just, righteous and God-fearing people
increase from age to age.
Enlighten with Thy wisdom and sustain
with Thy power all of these gathered for
Thy purpose of law and order in the en-
during affairs of our society. We ask for
Thy help, for frail we are, and we need
Thy strength. Increase Thou our wisdom
and lighten Thou our eyes, that we might
put truth into this constitution, that it
might prosper the people of this State to
be happy and to better do Thy will. Amen.