DELEGATE RITTER: And that I will
be faithful and bear true allegiance to the
State of Maryland—
THE PRESIDENT: And to support the
Constitution and laws .thereof—
DELEGATE RITTER: And to support
the Constitution and laws thereof—
THE PRESIDENT: And that I will—
DELEGATE RITTER: And that I will—
THE PRESIDENT: To the best of my
skill and judgment—
DELEGATE RITTER: To the best of my
skill and judgment—
THE PRESIDENT: Diligently and faith-
DELEGATE RITTER: Diligently and
THE PRESIDENT: Without partiality
or prejudice—
DELEGATE RITTER: Without parti-
ality or prejudice—
THE PRESIDENT: Fulfill my duties
and responsibilities—
DELEGATE RITTER: Fulfill my duties
and responsibilities—
THE PRESIDENT: As Delegate to the
Constitutional Convention—
the Constitutional Convention—
THE PRESIDENT: According to the
Constitution and laws of this State.
DELEGATE RITTER: According to the
Constitution and laws of this State.
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you. (Ap-
It gives me great pleasure to be the first
to speak to Mr. Ritter as Delegate Ritter.
I now request Delegate Ritter to take the
seat formerly occupied by Delegate Webster.
The next item on the calendar is intro-
duction and first reading of proposals.
I have been asked to call to your atten-
tion the fact that there has been distributed
on your desk this afternoon a memorandum
by Delegate Byrnes to accompany Delegate
Proposal No. 58. There has also been dis-
tributed this afternoon a memorandum ac-
companying Delegate Proposal No. 223. The
memorandum is by Delegate Storm. |
Delegate Proposal No. 228. The Clerk
will read the proposal.
READING CLERK: Delegate Proposal
No. 228, by Delegate Finch. Title,
A PROPOSAL that a legislative commit-
tee he established to examine federal en-
croachment on states' rights, and to pro-
pose censure therefor.
THE PRESIDENT: Delegate Proposal
No. 228 is referred to the Committee on the
Legislative Branch.
Delegate Proposal No. 229. The Clerk
will read the proposal.
READING CLERK: Delegate Proposal
No. 229, by Delegate Finch. Title,
A PROPOSAL that cruel or unusual
punisflments be prohibited, and that capital
punishment he continued.
THE PRESIDENT: Delegate Proposal
No. 229 is referred to the Committee on
Personal Rights and the Preamble.
Delegate Proposal No. 230. The Clerk
will read the proposal.
READING CLERK: Delegate Proposal
No. 230, by Delegate Finch. Title,
A PROPOSAL that a person arrested on
a warrant for felony shall not be finger-
printed, photographed, or required to fur-
nish bail until after a preliminary hearing,
unless specified by the trial judge out of
apprehension that the accused may become
a fugitive from justice.
THE PRESIDENT: Delegate Proposal
No. 230 is referred to the Committee on
Personal Rights and the Preamble.
Delegate Proposal No. 231. The Clerk
will read the proposal.
READING CLERK: Delegate Proposal
No. 231, by Delegate Finch. Title,
A PROPOSAL that the governor be em-
powered to enter into reciprocal compacts
with other states, subject to legislative ap-
proval, on problems of mutual interest, in-
cluding public safety, pollution, extradition,
health, education, and welfare.
THE PRESIDENT: Delegate Proposal
No. 23I is referred to the Committee on
Local Government.
Delegate Proposal No. 232. The Clerk
will read the proposal.
READING CLERK: Delegate Proposal
No. 232, by Delegate Finch. Title, |