THE CHAIRMAN: Delegate Storm.
we have kept the fiscal watchdog in the
treasury, so with the New York Times
recommending that in New York, with
that happening here, I think the people
will be protected. At the same time, our
chief executive can go on and collect the
taxes, which the comptroller never used
to collect, but most of these are all new
taxes. This is I think a very effective com-
promise. Both sides feel they have been
skinned, but I submit to you, really, this
is a very fine compromise, because the
people are protected, and the Constitution
can be favorably adopted and accepted by
the people, so I really encourage you all to
vote for it. Those of you who did not un-
derstand what the Board of Public Works
did still do not understand it but believe
me it is important for the welfare of the
people, and I think this is a good compro-
THE CHAIRMAN: Are you ready for
'the question?
Delegate Soul, do you desire to be heard?
DELEGATE SOUL: Yes, I would.
Mr. Chairman, and ladies and gentlemen:
my two proposals at this Convention have
been Nos. 84 and 85 for the elective offices
of comptroller and attorney general, and
I feel that with the Committee compro-
mising for both offices to be elective, I
would definitely go along with the amend-
THE CHAIRMAN: Are you ready for
the question?
(Call for the question. )
The Clerk will sound the quorum bell.
The question arises on the adoption of
Amendment No. 7. A vote Aye is a vote
in favor of the amendment. A vote No is
a vote against. Cast your votes.
Has every delegate voted? Does any dele-
gate desire to change his vote?
(There was no response. )
The Clerk will record the vote.
There being 105 votes in the affirmative
and 22 in the negative, the motion is
carried. The amendment is adopted.
The question now arises on the adoption
of Amendment No. 8. Is there any discus-
Delegate Harris.
I would like to say that now that we have
passed Amendment No. 7, I wish I had
been a sponsor. I can say the pressure is
now off. Maybe I can sleep tonight.
THE CHAIRMAN: Are you ready for
the question?
(Call for the question. )
The question arises on the adoption of
Amendment No. 6. A vote Aye is a vote in
favor of the amendment. A vote No is a
vote against. Cast your votes.
Has every delegate voted? Does any dele-
gate desire to change his vote?
(There was no response. )
The Clerk will record the vote.
There being 117 votes in the affirmative
and 6 in the negative, the motion is carried.
The amendment is adopted.
Delegate Morgan, do you desire to offer
the other amendments you had in connec-
tion with the earlier section 4. 04?
Chairman. Mr. Chairman.
THE CHAIRMAN: Delegate Morgan.
DELEGATE MORGAN: I assume this
would be Amendment No. 9.
THE CHAIRMAN: Do you desire to
offer that at this particular time?
require we return to section 4. 04.
THE CHAIRMAN: Section what?
DELEGATE MORGAN: Section 4. 04.
THE CHAIRMAN: The pages will
please distribute the amendment: This will
be Amendment No. 9 to section 4. 04. The
Clerk will read the amendment.
READING CLERK: Amendment No. 9
to Committee Recommendation EB-1 by
Delegate Morgan.
A Recommendation that the constitution
include an article establishing the execu-
tive branch of the state government to read
as follows:
THE CHAIRMAN: The amendment hav-
ing been seconded the Chair recognizes
Delegate Morgan to speak to the amend-
this amendment merely adds the elected
comptroller and the elected attorney gen-