I mean to say is that the same rule ought to
be enforced in Convention, that the amend-
ments should be on separate pieces of paper.
It seems to me that the rule ought to be
made applicable to them both, and cover the
whole matter.
Mr. BERRY of Baltimore county. The
amendment is simply offered to make the
rule read more smoothly. That is all.
The amendment was agreed to.
Rule 32d having been read,
Mr. BERRY of Baltimore county asked for
an explanation.
Mr. KENNARD. It is taken from one of the
rules of the House of Delegates. Confusion
might arise from taking papers out of the
Convention, and members might uninten-
tionally make much trouble. The 16th rule
of the House of Delegates reads :
"No member shall take out of the House
any bill, or other paper, belonging to the
House, without leave of the Speaker," &c.
Mr. CLARKE, No reflection was intended
upo any member in adopting this rule. It
was to prevent confusion. The clerk, of
course, has charge of the papers, and if any
member could call upon him and ask him for
a paper, there was no rule under which the
clerk could keep the papers. Other members
might desire to see the same papers, or papers
might be taken away which were pending be-
fore the Convention. Furthermore, this rule
will fix the responsibility of the custody of
the papers upon the clerk; and if there were
no one responsible papers might he lost.
Mr. KENNARD. I did not suppose that the
inquiry arose from any suspicion that we
intended to reflect upon any member of the
Mr. BERRY of Baltimore county. I merely
desired an explanation of what it meant. At
the first blush, I did not see the object of the
rule. I am satisfied.
Rule 37th being under consideration,
Mr. THOMAS moved that the Convention
The yeas and nays were ordered; and the
question being taken the result was—yeas
37; nays 16—as follows :
Yeas — Messrs, Greene, Hebb, Wickard,
Miller, Harwood, Henkle Hatch, Abbott
Cushing, Thomas, Berry of Baltimore county
Ridgely, King, Pugh, Turner, Mitchell, Todd
Carter, Noble, Schlosser, Hopper, Hopkins
Sands, Sykes, Lansdale, Peter, Clarke, Mor
gan, Gale, Horsey, Negley, Mayhugh, Davis
of Washington, Sneary, Smith of Worcester
Purnell, Murray—37.
Nays—Messrs. Goldsborough, President
Robinette, Kennard, Stockbridge, Stirling
Parker, Ecker, Jones of Cecil, Earle, Scott
McComas; Russell, Marbury, Mullikin, Dellin
ger, Nyman—16.
so the Convention adjourned, to meet on
Wednesday next under the order adoptee
yesterday. |
WEDNESDAY, May 18th, 1864.
The Convention met.
Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Owen.
Present at the call of the roll, the following
Messrs. Goldsborough, President; Wickard,
Miller, Harwood, Hatch, Kennard, Stock-
bridge, Abbott, Cushing, Thomas, Audoun,
Hoffman, Parker, King, Larsh, Smith of Car-
roll, Ecker, Wooden, Earle, Scott, Pugh,
Briscoe, Parran, Carter, Schley, Markey,
Cunningham, McComas, Hopper, Hopkins,
Sands, Lansdale, Peter, Duvall, Marbury,
Brown, Morgan, Dennis, Nyman, Davis of
Washington, Smith of Worcester, Purnell,
There being no quorum present,
Mr. PURNELL said: There is no probability
that there will be a quorum here to-day; and
I move that the Convention adjourn,
The motion was agreed to, and
The Convention adjourned.
THURSDAY, May 19,1864.
The Convention met at 12, M.
Prayer by the Rev. H. C. McNamar.
Present at the call of the roll, the following
Messrs. Goldsborough, President; Abbott
Annon, Audoun, Baker, Barron, Belt, Berry
of Baltimore county, Berry of Prince George's,
Briscoe, Brooks, Brown, Carter, Chambers
Clarke, Cunningham, Cushing, Daniel, Davis
of Washington, Dennis, Duvall, Earle, Ecker
Edelen, Gale, Galloway, Greene, Harwood
Hatch, Hebb, Henkle, Hoffman, Hopkins,
Hopper, Jones of Cecil, Jones of Somerset
Keefer, Kennard, King, Lansdale, Larsh
Mace, Marbury, Markey, McComas, Mitchell
Miller, Morgan, Mullikin, Murray, Negley
Nyman, Parker, Parran, Peter, Pugh, Purnell
Robinette, Russell, Sands, Schley, Schlosser
Scott, Smith of Carroll, Smith of Worcester
Sneary, Stockbridge, Swope, Sykes, Thomas
Thruston, Valliant, Wickard. Wooden—74.
The qualifications of the Rev, Messrs. Isaac
M. Patterson, B. D. Owen, and H. C.
McNamar, chaplains elect of the Convention,
were presented and ordered to be filed.
The PRESIDENT announced the following
additions to the committees named, in ac-
cordance with an order of the Convention :
On the Committee on the Basis of Repre-
sentation—Messrs. Greene and Carter.
On the Committee on the Legislative De-
partment,—Messrs. Stirling and Mullikin.
On the Committee on the Elective Franchise
and Qualifications of Voters—Messrs. Noble
and Russell.
The PRESIDENT also announced the following
officers, in accordance with orders of the
Convention. |