YEAS AND NAYS---Taken on
Motion to amend report of committee
on basis of representation as adopt-
ed on its second reading, so as to
allow an additional member to Kent
Final passage by the convention of
article on basis of representation...... 1676
Amendments to report of committee
on militia..................1678, 1679, 1681
Final passage by the convention of
article on education as amended... 1691
Final passage by the convention of
article on treasury department...... 1691
Final passage by the convention of
article on militia........................ 1696
Appointment by the governor of a
committee on revision, whose duty
it shall be to prepare and present
to the general assembly drafts of
bills necessary, to carry into effect
the provisions of this constitution.. 1708
Amendment to the report of com-
mittee on schedule..................... 1719
Section referring to taking the vote
on the adoption of this constitution, 1719
Amendment to section providing for
the vote of soldiers on the adoption
of the constitution...... 1725, 1748, 1755
Soldiers' vote..................... 1780, 1762
Administration of oath................... 1768 |
YEAS ^D ^AXS— '^^k.8^l QO
Repoit qf(!Qqm{tt«e on wgrofument
<tnj. reTt^loQ, correcting article OQ
Filial passage by the convention of
article OBachednIe...................... 1795
Final pasinge of report of judiciary
committw ai amended by the con-
Orderto publish constitution in the
newgpaperi................ , ........ ,,., 1828
Order to purchase bound copiel of the
coastitotion............................. 1838
Extra mileage to membera of conven-
tion................. 1780, 1852, 1867, 1868
Per diem of president of convention., 1852
Relohition to appoint » select com-
mittee to confer with the President
of the United States, with reference
to prospect of obtaining compena*-
tion from general government for
glares emancipated.............. 1865,186C
The final adoption of the constitcition
i by the convention, »s presented by
, the committee on revision............ 1873
Order that all persons claitning com-
pensation for ilaTes, shall take the
oath prescribed by this conititution
before receiving any beneflti......... 1874
Adjournment sine dit of convention., 1870 |