Order to enter on the journal the pro-
test of 35 members of the conven-
tion against the passage of resolu-
tion asking the general government
to banish rebel sympathisers beyond
Prohibiting free negroes and mulattoes
coming into the State.................. 1159
Appointment of surveyors.............. 1175
Division of counties...... 1188, 1190, 1694
Report of committiee on elections..... 1200
Salary of superintendent of public
Appointment of assistant superinten-
dents of public instruction............ 1223
The establishment of a board of pub-
lic education............................. 1228
Motion to strike out a portion of the
section providing for free public
schools in each district................ 1233
Discontinuance of school tax now-
levied for support of schools in the
several counties......................... 1250
Distribution of school fund according
to the basis of white population.... 1250
Duty of legislature to pass laws levy-
ing a tax for free schools............. 1255
Amendment to report of committee on
education prohibiting the applica-
tion of any portion of the fund
raised from school tax to the education of free negroes......1256
Amendment to report of committee
on elective franchise, declaring all
persons loyal who have not been
convicted of disloyalty in some
court of law..........................1268
Qualifications of voters ..1271, 1272, 1279
Amendment to report of committee
on elective franchise, providing for
registration of voters and vote of
soldiers........................... 1285, 1286
Amendment to report of committee
on elective franchise, referring to
citizenship of persons in the naval
or military service of the United
Time of election of the governor...... 1316
Office of lieutenant governor........... 1319
Duties of governor..................... 1323
Order that secretary of convention
have published a list of members
absent without leave................... 1325
Oath of office....................... 1380, 1383
Amendment to report of judiciary
committee with reference to elec-
tion, eligibility, tenure of office
and salaries of judges... 1391,1393, 142S
1431, 1432, 1524, 1527, 1528, 1530, 1533
1543, 1552, 1560, 1562, 1612.
Amendment to report of committee
on judiciary in relation to the re- |
\ YEAS AND NAYS—Taken'dn
Order to request the gOVerrior to fur-
nish any information he may have
as to the quota of this State, and
the number of recruits enlisted in
the army of the United States and
credited to this State.......... 1418, 14B2
Section of report of judiciary com-
mittee referring to eligibility of
persons to admission to the practice
of the law................. 1421, 1423, 1424
The election of attorney general....... 1459
The salary of attorney general. 1463, 1464
Thesalary.of State's attorneys......... 1470
The r.eport of committte on interest
and usury, fixing the legal rate of
interest, and the amendments there-
to ........... 1506, 1507, 1824, 1825, 1826
The report of judiciary committee in
relation to number of judicial cir-
cuits................................ 1515, 1557
Motion to recommit the report of the
Motion to refer report of the judiciary
committee and amendments to a
select committee........................ 151S
Appointment of officers of the courts
by the judges ............................ 1534
Amendments to report of judiciary
committee -with reference to juri$-
'. diction of orphans' courts... 1568, 15T3
' 1575.
1 Apprenticeship of negroes by orphans'
, courts.............. 1600, 1601, 1605, 1799
1 Diitention in slavery of emancipated
' negroes.................................... 1605
: Amendments to report of judiciary
committee, referring to number of
courts in Baltimore city, and juris-
diction of, and salaries of judges... 1612
Order to hold three sessions of con-
vention daily............................. 1623
Report of judiciary committee, refer-
ring to appointment, duties, &c., of
justices of the peace and conitables, 1632
Order to pay H. P. Jordan, State li-
brarian for purchasing stationery
for convention........................... 1647'
Motion to adjourn the convention
subject to the recall thereof in case
of invasion by the public enemy
interfering with the vote on the
adoption of the constitution......... 1849
! Motion to amend article on the «lec-
tive franchise on its third reading.. 1654
Final passage by the convention of
article on the elective franchile...... 1654
Final passage by the convention of
article on the executive department, 1654
Final passage by the convention of
article on th« legislative depart-
ment....................................... 1664 |