Order of, to inquire concerning the
eligibility of certain members to
seats in the convention................ 746
Remarks of, on
Banking institutions... 832, 833, 834, 842
845, 852, 853,862.
Sittings of the convention....... 869, 870
Powers of the legislature to pass spe-
cial or local acts, 878,879,880,882, 891
Veto power of the governor............ 898
Compensation for slaves emancipated 927
928, 929, 931, 937.
Support of slaves emancipated.. 945, 949
Compensation by general government
for slaves emancipated.....958, 959, 960
961, 1003, 1159.
Amendment to provide for the sale of
State stocks .......... 873
Extra mileage to members, 1778,1840, 1843
Vote of thanks to the president of the
convention................................ 1852
Recommendation to governor to issue
pardons to all persons in confine-
rnent for violation of the slave code 1862
Fees of officers..................... 1700, 1702
Common law.................... 1703, 1704
Revision of the code....................... 1707
Attorney general, salary of............. 1460
Duties of............................... 14G4
Vacancies in office ...................... 1466
Apprenticeship of colored minors..... 392
1576,1586,796, 78, 799.
Basis of representation... 1054, 1062, 1063
1075, 1669, 1675.
Bribery and interference at primary
meetings................................... 1383
Constitution, vote on the, 1712, 1714, 1717
Test oath.......................... 1755, 1758
Soldiers vote on the.......... 1807, 1808
Amendments to the.......... 1081. 1082
Printing the............................... 1871
County commissioners... 1160, 1161, 1162
Constables and road supervisors, 1166, 1172
Court of appeals, election of judges
of................................. 1427, 1431
Jurisdiction of the...................... 1435
Salary of judges of the............... 1801
publication of reports of.............. 1436
Filing written opinions................ 1584
Circuit courts, judicial districts, and
election of judges of... 1441,1535, 1540
1541,1542, 1546, 1550, 1558, 1686, 1802
Circuit courts, clerks of ......... 1560, 1562
Courts of Baltimore city.......... 1804, 1805
Number and jurisdiction of... 1627, 1804
Debate, limitation of...................... 1509
Elective franchise...l267, 1270, 1280, 1281
1292, 1294, 1299, 1300, 1301, 1302, 1303
Election, eligibility and duties of gov-
ernor............... 1304,1314, 1315, 1316 |
Remarks of, on
Election, eligibility and duties of lieu-
tenant governor.......................... 1320
Free coloredschools................... 1255
Interest and usury laws, 1479, 1492, 1501
1502, 1503, 1507, 1508, 1509, 1814, 1825
Indexing journal of debates and pro-
ceedings................................... 1829
Ineligibility of certain members of
the convention........................... 1193
Journal of debates and proceedings,
bindingof........................... 951, 952
Journal of debates, distribution of.... 1683
Judges, election and eligibility of.... 1393
1512, 1513, 1616, 1518, 1527, 1529, 1530
Justices of the peace and constables, 1631
Land office, salary of commissioner
Marriage laws..................... 980, 993
Orphans' courts, election and eligi-
bility of judges of...... 1567, 1569, 1571
Public works, commissioners of,...... 1084
1085, 1086, 1088.
Recruits from this State, order to as-
certain the number of............... 1451
Report of committee on elections...... 1196
Resolution asking to be relieved from
further draft in Maryland............ 1414
Revision of articles adopted by the
Registers of wills, election and eligi-
bility of............................... 1575
Removal of causes......... 1407, 1409, 1410
State Librarian............ 1095, 1096, 1101
Surveyors............................ 1174, 1175
Superintendent of public instruction,
1205, 1208, 1212, 1214, 1215, 1216, 1217
1219, 1228,1229.
System of public instruction... 1229, 1230
School tax........... 1234, 1241, 1242, 1244
Secretary of State, duties of, &c. 1328, 1329
State's attorneys, election and sala-
ries of.............. 1468, 1469, 1470, 1471
Slavery, detention in, of emancipated
slaves...................................... 1803
Sheriffs........................................ 1805
Treasury department, salary and du-
ties of officers of........ 1257, 1260, 1261
Testimony, taking of............ 1397, 1401
Remarks on the eligibility of, to be-
come members of the legislature,
by Messrs.
Barron .............................. 786
Chambers............... 790,794,795, 796
Daniel , ,,., ...... 785,786. 793
Miller...................................... 992
Purnell................................. 793, 794
Ridgely...................................... 785
Stirling...................................... 791
Stockbridge ........ ,.... 793
Todd ............... 796 |