Remarks on, by Messrs.
Schley..............1776, 1781, 1867, 1869
Stirling........................1777, 1780, 1851
Ridgely.......1777, 1780, 1681, 1843, 1851
Purnell...............................1778, 1779
Miller..................1778, 1840, 1843, 1844
Ecker...........1778, 1779, 1844, 1850, 1867
Chambers...........1778, 1780, 1846, 1851
Scott...........................1779, 1848, 1851
Dent............................1779, 1850, 1869
Belt....1780, 1845, 1846, 1848, 1851, 1867
Abbott ....1780,1840, 1844
Negley...............1780, 1840
Wooden...................................... 1780
Lee...................................... 1840
Jones, of Somerset.. 1840, 1845, 1848, 1851
Cushing ...................................... 1850
Hollyday............ 1851
Davis, of Charles...............1868
Mitchell....................................... 1868
Russell........................................ 1809
Barron....................................... 1870
Marbury..................................... 1781
Bond .................... 1844
Harwood..................................... 1851
Kennard...................................... 1851
Mullikin..................................... 1851
Pugh , 1869
McComas.................................... 1869
Committee appointed on................. 37
Mr. Thruston excused from serving
on committee............................. 73
Remarks upon same by Messrs. Pugh
and Goldsborough..................... 1201
Report of committee on, from Mr.
Berry, of Baltimore county.......... 1395
Report of minority of committee on,
from Mr. Wickard...................... 1396
Remarks on, by Messrs.
Russell.................................1642, 1643
Audoun......1642, 1643, 1644, 1645, 1646
Schley................................1642, 1644
Stirling........1642, 1643, 1644, 1646, 1677
Ecker......................................... 1643
Cushing ...... 1644, 1645
Lansdale..................................... 1678
Belt.......................................... 1679
Ridgely................................1679, 1681
Purnell....................................... 1680
Thomas................................ 1680
Dent........................... 1681
Negley ............1644, 1677
Davis, ofWashington.................... 1679
Wickard ..............1679, 1681
Stockbridge......................... 1679,1680
Scott......................................... 1680
Daniel .................................... 1680
Earle......................................... 1787
78 |
MILLER, OLIVER, of Anne Arundel
Appointed on committee on the exec-
utive department..................... 37
Remarks of, on
Order to appoint a committee on
inspection . 38
Order to remove the convention...40, 41
Order to ascertain the number of tax-
payers in the counties and Balti-
morecity................................. 57
Order to furnish newspapers to mem-
bers...................................... 68
Rules of order...85,94, 101, 102, 208, 1098
Order to pay Thomas J. Corkran for
services as page to the convention.. 127
Declaration of rights........145, 171, 172
179, 185, 194, 196, 197, 199, 225, 226
244, 260, 262, 304, 310, 358, 362, 363
368, 369, 371, 382, 383, 415, 421, 422
423, 494, 495, 498, 594, 685, 700, 750
Treason.....260, 262, 358, 362, 363, 367
368, 594.
Allegiance...304, 310, 415, 421, 422, 423
494, 495, 501.
Adjournment..,,,.,,.., ,, ,,,,, , 354
Forfeiting the per diem of absent
members ............................... 365
Religious test of witnesses........ 369, 371
Religious bequests.................. 382, 883
Apprenticeship of colored minors.... 392
Emancipationofslaves...... 594,685 700
Legislative department, 753, 757,758 760
763, 770, 775, 778, 781, 792, 796 799
802, 803, 804, 805, 806, 807, 808 812
813, 816, 818, 819, 832, 833, 852 853
862, 874, 875, 878, 879, 880, 882 891
892, 898, 899, 901, 903, 905, 907 908
909, 910, 911, 927, 928,029, 931 937
945, 949, 958, 959, 960, 961, 964 966
969, 972, 973, 980, 993, 1018, 1020 1021
1023,1159, 1801.
Time of holding State elections, 753, 757
758, 760.
Sessions of the legislature, 760, 763, 770
Order of committee on elections to
report...................................... 768
Eligibility of members of the legisla-
ture...... 777,778,781, 792,796, 797
Title of laws passed by the legislature 797
Publication of code of laws...... 798, 799
Ineligibility of senators and delegates
to hold office................. 806, 807 608
Publication of laws................. 812
Sale of State's interest in public works 816
818, 819, 899, 901, 903, 905, 907, 908
909, 910, 911, 964, 966, 969, 972, 973
1018, 1020, 1021, 1023, 1142, 1147, 1148
1152, 1156.
Personal explanation,.................. 744
Order of, to require the court of ap-
peals to render decisions with three
months.................................... 14< |