Appointed on committee on basia of
representation........................... 37
Orders offered—
That printer furnish members of con-
vention with extra copies otjerAnal 58
That printer furnish lists of standing
committees............................... 37
That governor be requested to issue
pardons to all persons confined for
offences against the slave code....... 1828
Requesting president of convention to
use all power to secure attendance
ofmembers of convention,............ 73
Providing for recall of convention... 1603
Personal explanation............... 132, 536
Remarks upon
Apprenticeship of colored minors.... 392
Adjournment............................... 324
Appointment of additional commit-
tee clerks .......................... 129, 130
Basis of representation.................. 213
214, 1034, 1045, 1051, 1063, 1075, 1658
Banishment of rebel sympathizers.... 1138
Banking institutions.......... 853, 855, 865
Compensation for slaves emancipated 1010
Constables and road supervisors...... 1174
Counties and townships, division of 1188
Courts, appointment or election of
judges... 1384, 1385, 1392, 1393, 1521
1533, 1517.
Court of Appeals, election of judges
of, 1424, 1431, 1433, 1542, 1558, 1564
Courts, circuit, salaries of judges of 1560
Courts, circuit, clerks of................ 1564
Courts of Baltimore city, number and
jurisdiction of...1607, 1612, 1613, 1614
Courts of Baltimore city, salaries of
judges 1617, 1618, 1619, 1620, 1621, 1622
Courts, Orphans'...................1570, 1573
Declaration of Rights 161, 178, 197, 200
272, 304, 387, 400, 512, 666, 742.
Distribution of journal of debates..... 1795
'Elective franchise, 1272, 1292, 1303, 1650
Election and eligibility of governor... 1316
Election and eligibility of lieutenant
governor................................. 1319 |
Remarks upon
Elections, time of holding......... 757, 759
Emancipation of slaves............ 666, 742
Extra mileage of $100 to members of
convention................ 1780,1840, 1844
Fees of officers......... 1699
Freedom of the press,..............387, 400
Interest and usury, 1485, 1501, 1813, 1815
1817, 1825.
Limitation of debate, 293, 295, 297, 299
747, S47, 1059.
Legislative department, 757, 759, 808, 815
853, 855, 865, 893, 907, 910, 980, 982
Legislature, power of, to pass special
or local acts.................... 893
Marriage laws........................ 980, 982
Newspapers for members of conven-
tion......................................... 69
Order to obtain the number of re-
cruits furnished by this State for
service of the United States, 1418, 1419
Paying State librarian for purchasing
stationery................................ 1647
Public works, sale of State's interest
in................ 815, 907, 910, 1021, 1152
Public instruction, superintendents
of.......................... 1208, 1221, 1228
Public instruction, system of............ 1232
Salary of attorney general.......1462, 1463
Salary and duties of treasurer......... 1261
(See emancipation.)
Order offered to stop the per diem
Order offered to prepare and publish
list of................................... 892
Appointment of committee on......... 37
Remarks upon by
Abbott........................................ 324
Audoun....................................... 1811
Baker.......................................... 79
Barron ......................... 73, 323, 619
Berry, of Baltimore co...... 79, 325, 743
Berry, of Prince George's... 351, 353, 665
Brown.......................... 618, 619, 665 |