stitution, but not counted, the persons offering
them refusing to take the oath required by
said constitution; and there being, therefore,
of the aggregate vote so cast a majority in
favor of the adoption of said constitution—
Now, therefore, I, AUGUSTUS W. BRADFORD,
Governor of the State of Maryland, in pur-
suance of the authority so vested in me by
the said act of assembly, and the constitution
aforesaid, do by this my proclamation, declare
and make known that the said constitution
and form of government so framed and
adopted by the convention aforesaid has been
adopted by a majority of the voters of the
State, and that in pursuance of the provision
therein contained the same will go into effect
as the proper constitution and form of gov-
ernment of this State, superseding the one
now existing, on the first day of November
Given under my hand and the great seal of
the State of Maryland, at the city of An-
[L.S.] napolis on the twenty-ninth day of
October, in the year of our Lord,
eighteen hundred and sixty-four.
By the Governor:
WM. B. HILL, Secretary of State.
The following are the official returns of the
vote for and against the constitution, as on
file among the records of the Executive De-
partment at Annapolis: |
Counties. For. Against.
Allegany county,........ 1,839 964
Anne Arundle............ 281 1,360
Baltimore city*........... 9,779 2,053
Baltimore county........ 2,001 1,869
Carroll..................... 1,587 1,690
Caroline..... ,,,,,., 471 423
Calvert..................... 57 634
Cecil......................... 1,611 1,611
Charles..................... 13 978
Dorchester@.............. 449 1,486
Frederick<................. 2,908 1,916
Harford>................... 1,083 1,671
Howard#................... 462 583
Kent......................... 289 1,246
Montgomery^............. 422 1,367
Prince George's.......... 149 1,293
Queen Anne's **......... 220 1,577
Somerset................... 464 2,066
St. Mary's................. 99 1,078
Talbot...................... 430 1,020
Washington............... 2,441 985
Worcester^^.............. 486 1,666
27,541 29,536
Soldiers' vote........... 2,633 263
30,174 29,799
* 8 votes (against) not counted, voters refusing
oatia. @ 2 blanks, < 23 blanks. > 19 blanks, # 15
votes not included in these, (giveia against the con-
stitution by voters who did not tike the oath.)
^14 blanks, and 10 against the constitution not in-
cluded in those counted—voters refusiag to take tiae
oath. ** 2 blanks, ^^ 1 blank. |