Messrs. Galloway, Mullikin,
Goldsborough, Pt. Greene, Murray,
Abbott, Harwood, Negley,
Annan, Hatch, Nyman,
Audoun, Hebb, Parker,
Baker, Henkle, Peter,
Barron, Hodson, Pugh,
Belt, Hoffman, Purnell,
Blackiston, Hollyday, Robinette,
Bond, Hopkins, Russell,
Brown, Hopper, Sands,
Carter, Horsey, Schley,
Chambers, Johnson, Smith, of Wor.,
Clarke, Jones, of Cecil, Sneary,
Crawford, Keefer, Stirling,
Cunningham, Kennard, Stockbridge,
Cushing, King, Swope,
Dail, Larsh, Sykes,
Daniel, Mace, Thomas,
Davis, of Charles, Marbury, Thruston,
Davis, of Wash., Markey, Todd,
Dellinger, McComas, Valliant,
Earle, Mitchell, Wickard,
Ecker, Morgan, Wooden—72.
Messrs. Dennis, Parran,
Berry, of P. G., Jones, of Sora., Scott,
Billingsley, Lee, Smith, of Dor.,
Briscoe, Miller, Wilmer—11.
So the question was decided in the affirmative.
Mr. Chambers moved that the further consideration of the
Order of the Day be postponed until Friday next;
Mr. Hebb moved to amend said motion as follows:
That the debate on the Declaration of Rights be postponed
until Friday next at 1 o'clock, as to Articles 4th, 23d and
36th of the Report of the Committee;
Decided in the negative.
The question then recurring upon the motion of Mr. Cham-
Mr. Hebb demanded the yeas and nays.
The call being sustained,