Assistant Postmaster—William Denny, of Howard county.
Folders—Collins Tatman, of Caroline county; Charles
Collins, of Worcester county.
Also, further ordered, that the President of this Convention
appoint four pages, one lamplighter, and one hall-keeper;
Which was adopted.
Mr. Kennard submitted the following order:
Ordered. That a committee of five members be appointed
by the President, to prepare and report rules for the govern-
ment of the Convention, and that, in the meantime, the rules
of the House of Delegates, so far as the same are applicable,
be adopted.
Mr. Clarke submitted the following amendment:
After the words "Rules of the House of Delegates" insert:
the words "Except the rule of the House of Delegates rela-
ting to the call of the previous question, "
Decided in the negative;
The question then recurring upon the adoption of the order
offered by Mr. Kennard,
It was adopted.
William R. Cole, Secretary, Alfred D. Evans, Sergeant-at-
Arms, Thomas Tipton and George Johnston, Committee
Clerks, Moses Andrews and Charles Whittemore, Doorkeep-
ers, A. J. Longsdorf, Postmaster, William Denny, Assistant
Postmaster, and Collins Tatman, Folder, officers elect, were
qualified by the Governor, and entered upon the discharge of
their duties.
Mr. Stockbridge submitted the following order:
Ordered, That standing committees, to consist of seven
members each, be appointed by the Chair, to take into con-
sideration the propriety and expediency of making any, and
if any what, alterations or amendments in the several distinct
subjects embraced in the Constitution, and confided to them
respectively, with the power of conference between any and
all of said committees, and to report the result of their delibe-
rations to the Convention at the earliest practicable day, viz:
1st. A committee to consider and report upon the Declara-
tion of Rights.
2nd. A committee to consider and report upon the Execu-
tive Department.
3rd. A committee to consider and report upon a proper
basis of Representation in the two Houses of the General As-