sembly, and a proper apportionment of representation in the
4th. A committee to consider and report respecting the Le-
gislative Department.
5th. A committee to consider and report upon the Judici-
ary System of the State.
6th. A committee to consider and report upon the State's
7th. A committee to consider and report upon the Treasury
8th. A committee to consider and report upon the Elective
Franchise and the qualifications of Voters.
9tb. A committee to consider and report respecting the
Militia and Military affairs.
10th. A committee to consider and report respecting Edu-
cation, and the encouragement of Literature.
11th. A committee to consider and report respecting the
rights, duties, divisions and subdivisions of Counties.
12th. A committee to consider and report upon a schedule
of such provisions or ordinances as it may be desirable for the
Convention to adopt in order to carry into effect any amend-
ments of the Constitution upon which it may decide.
13th. A committee to consider and report respecting future
amendments and revisions of the Constitution.
Mr. Belt, submitted the following amendment:
In the 3d committee provided for, to add the following
" And said committee shall consist of one member from
each county and one from the city of Baltimore. "
The question being on the adoption of this amendment,
The yeas and nays were ordered and appeared as follows:
Messrs. Turner, Berry, of P. G. co.,
Goldsborough, P't Parran, Belt,
Harwood, Todd, Marbury,
Bond, Carter, Lee,
Henkle, Noble, Brown,
Berry, of Balt, co., Smith, of Dor., Wilmer,
Ridgely, Hodson, Morgan,