Sec. 29 There shall be a Clerk of the Circuit Court for
each county, who shall be elected by a plurality vote of the
qualified voters of said county, he shall hold his office for the
term of six years from the time of his election, and until a
new election is held and his successor duly qualified; he shall
be re-eligible at the end of his term, and shall at any time
be subject to removal for willful neglect of duty, or other
misdemeanor in office, on conviction in a Court of Law. In
the event of any vacancy in the office of the Clerk of any of
the Circuit Courts, said vacancy shall be filled by the Judge
of said Circuit in which said vacancy occurs until the next
general election for county officers, when a clerk of said
Circuit Court shall be elected to serve for six years there-
See. 30. The Judges of the respective Circuit Courts of this
State, and of the Courts of Baltimore City, shall render their
decisions in all cases argued before them, or submitted for
their judgment, within two months after the same shall have
been argued or submitted.
Courts of Baltimore City.
Sec. 31. There shall be in the thirteenth Judicial Circuit
four Courts, to be styled the Superior Court of Baltimore city;
the Court of Common Pleas; the Circuit Court of Baltimore
city; and the Criminal Court of Baltimore; each Court shall
consist of one Judge, who shall be elected by the legal and
qualified voters of said city; and shall hold his office for the
term of fifteen years, subject to the provisions of this Consti-
tution with regard to the election and qualification of Judges
and their removal from office, and shall exercise the jurisdic-
tion hereinafter specified.
Sec. 32. Bach of said Judges shall receive an annual sala-
ry of three thousand dollars, payable quarterly.
Sec. 33. The Superior Court of Baltimore city, shall have
jurisdiction over all suits where the debt or damage claimed,
exclusive of interest, shall exceed the sum of one thousand
dollars, and in case any plaintiff or plaintiffs shall recover
less than the sum or value of one thousand dollars, he or they
shall be allowed or adjudged to pay costs in the discretion of
the Court. The said Court shall also have jurisdiction as a
Court of Equity within the limits of the said city, and in all
other civil cases, which are not hereinafter assigned to the
Court of Common Pleas, and also have jurisdiction in all cases
of appeals from the Commissioners for opening streets.
Sec. 34. The Court of Common Pleas shall have civil ju-
risdiction in all suits where the debt or damage claimed, ex-