of Anne Arundel and Calvert, the second; the counties of
Prince George's and Montgomery the third; the county of
Frederick the fourth; the county of Washington the fifth;
the county of Allegany the sixth; the counties of Carroll
and Howard the seventh; the county of Baltimore the eighth;
the counties of Harford and Cecil the ninth; the counties of
Kent and Queen Anne's the tenth; the counties of Talbot
and Caroline the eleventh; the counties of Dorchester, Som-
erset and Worcester the twelfth; and the city of Baltimore
the thirteenth.
Sec. 25. One Court shall be held in each county of the
State; the said Courts shall be called Circuit Courts for the
county in which they may be held, and shall have and ex-
ercise all the power, authority and jurisdiction, original and
appellate, which the present Circuit Courts of this State now
have and exercise, or which may hereafter be prescribed by
Sec. 26. For each Circuit (the thirteenth excepted) there
shall be one Judge, who shall be styled Circuit Judge, who
during his term of office, shall reside in one of the counties
composing the Circuit for which he may be elected; the said
Judges shall hold a term of their Courts in each of the coun-
ties composing their respective Circuits at such times as now
are or may hereafter be fixed by law, such terms to be never-
less than two in each year in each county; special terms may
be held by said Judges in their discretion, whenever the
business of their several counties renders such terms neces-
Sec. 27. The present Judges of the Circuit Courts shall
continue to act as Judges of the respective Circuit Courts
within the Judicial Circuits in which they respectively re-
side, until the expiration of the term for which they were
respectively elected, and until their successors are elected and
qualified, viz: the present Judges of the first, second, third,
fourth, sixth and eighth Judicial Circuits, as organized at
the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall continue
to act as Judges respectively of the first, second, fourth, fifth,
ninth and twelfth Judicial Circuits, as organized under this
Constitution; and an election for Judges of the third, sixth,
seventh, eighth, tenth and eleventh Judicial Circuits shall
be held on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in the
month of November in the year eighteen hundred and sixty-
Sec. 28. The salary of each Judge of the Circuit Court
shall be twenty-five hundred dollars per annum payable
quarterly, and shall not be increased or diminished during his
continuance in office.