The committee retired, and after a brief absence returned
to the Chamber.
Mr. Stirling, Chairman, reported that they had performed
the duty assigned them, and the Governor would send a mes-
sage to the Convention.
Mr. Chambers submitted the following order:
Ordered, That a committee of —— members be appointed
by the Chair, to arrange the seats appropriate to the several
delegations, so as to enable the delegates from each county to
occupy contiguous chairs.
Mr. Neagley submitted the following amendment:
Provided, That the delegations of the several counties who
are contiguously seated, be exempted from the operation of
the resolution.
On motion of Mr. Todd,
The consideration of the subject was postponed.
The following message was received from the Governor by
the hands of Chapman Harwood, Esq.:
ANNAPOLIS, April 27, 1864.
To the Convention:
GENTLEMEN—In compliance with the request contained in
your order of this day, I have the honor herewith to transmit
a list of the members of the Convention elected on the 6th
inst., as appears by the returns of the Judges of Election on
file in this department. The words "sworn" or "affirmed, "
prefixed to some of the names on said list, indicate those who
have taken and subscribed the oath required to be adminis-
tered to members of said Convention by the act authorizing it.
St. Mary's County—Chapman Billingsley. George W. Mor-
gan, John F. Dent.
Kent County—Ezekiel F. Chambers, David C. Blackiston,
George S. Hollyday.
Anne Arundel County—Oliver Miller, Sprigg Harwood,
William B. Bond, Eli J. Henkle.
Calvert County—James T. Briscoe, Dr. John Turner, Chas.
S. Parran.