WEDNESDAY, April 27th, 1864.
This being the day appointed for the meeting of the Con-
vention to Frame a New Constitution and Form of Govern-
ment for the State,
At 12 o'clock, M..
On motion of Mr. Hopewell Hebb, of Allegany county,
Mr. Henry Stockbridge, of Baltimore city, was elected tem-
porary Chairman.
On motion of Mr. Schley, of Frederick county,
Mr. Joseph B. Pugh, of Cecil county, was elected tempo-
rary Secretary.
Mr. Stirling submitted the following order:
Ordered, That a committee of five be appointed by the
Chair, to wait upon the Governor and inform him that the
Convention to-Frame a new Constitution and Form of Govern-
ment for the State of Maryland, has assembled in the Hall of
the House of Delegates, in accordance with the Act of Assem-
bly, and his Proclamation of the 14th instant, and effected a
temporary organization; and that said Convention desires to
be informed by him who are shown, by the returns made to
him, to be duly elected to seats in said Convention, and have
taken and subscribed before him the oath prescribed in the
Act calling said Convention;
Which was adopted.
The Chairman appointed Messrs. A. Stirling, Jr., of Balti-
more city, J. S. Berry, of Baltimore county, Daniel Clarke,
of Prince George's county, Albert C. Greene, of Allegany
county, and William T. Purnell, of Worcester county, a com-
mittee in accordance with the above order.