Mr. Stirling submitted the following amendment:
Strike out the third section and insert:
"The State Librarian shall be elected by joint vote of the
two branches of the Legislature for four years, and until his
successor shall be elected and qualified; he shall perform
such duties and receive such compensation as are now pre-
scribed or paid, or may hereafter be prescribed by law; "
Decided in the negative.
Mr. Duvall submitted the following amendment:
Amend section 3, by adding the following words:
"And whenever the General Assembly shall appropriate
any amount of money for the expenses of any duties to be
performed by the Librarian, such amount shall be only paid
by the Comptroller and Treasurer upon the order of the
Governor of the State, who shall transmit to the next suc-
ceeding General Assembly a report giving the details of such
expenses; "
Decided in the negative.
Mr, Purnell submitted the following amendment:
Section 4. Amend by striking out all after the word "the"
in the fourth line to the word "and, "' in the fifth line, and
insert "Tuesday next after the first Monday of November, in
the year eighteen hundred and sixty-five; "
Decided in the affirmative.
Mr. Ridgely submitted the following amendment:
Section 4. Strike out in the third line, the words "general
ticket and not by districts, " and insert "in such manner and
for such term as the Legislature may prescribe; "
Pending the consideration of which,
The time having arrived for taking up the Order of the
Day, the Convention proceeded to the consideration of the
Majority Report of the Committee appointed to consider the
39th section of the Report of the Committee on the Legisla-
tive Department, to wit:
The undersigned members of the Special Committe, to
whom was referred the 39th section in the Report of the
Committee on the Legislative Department, and the proposed
amendments thereto, beg leave to submit the following Ma-
jority Report, recommending the following as section 39, in
the aforesaid Report: