Mr. King demanded the yeas and nays.
The demand being sustained,
The yeas and nays were called, and appeared as follows:
Messrs. Galloway, Negley,
Goldsborough, P't Hatch, Nyman,
Annan, Hoffman, Parker,
Audoun, Hopkins, Parran,
Baker, Hopper, Peter,
Barron, Jones, of Cecil, Ridgely,
Bond, Jones, of Som., Robinette,
Brown, Keefer, Russell,
Carter, King, Smith, of Carroll,
Clarke, Lansdale, Swope,.
Cunningham, Larsh, Sykes,
Davis, of Wash., Lee, Turner,
Duvall, Markey, Wickard,
Ecker, McComas, Wilmer,
Gale, Morgan, Wooden—44.
Messrs. Farrow, Pugh,
Abbott, Greene, Purnell,
Belt, Harwood, Sands,
Blackiston, Hebb, Schley,
Briscoe, Horsey, Scott,
Chambers, Johnson, Smith, of Wor.,
Cushing, Kennard, Sneary,
Daniel, Marbury, Stirling,
Dellinger, Miller, Stockbridge,
Earle, Murray, Valliant—29.
So the question upon its adoption was decided in the
Mr. Valliant submitted the following amendment:
Strike out all from the word "qualified, " in the 3rd line,
to "he, " in the 4th line, and insert, "the salary of the pre-
sent incumbent shall be fifteen hundred dollars per annum,
to begin on the 1st January 1865, and continue till the close
of his present term of office, but thereafter he nor his succes-
sor shall not receive more than f 1, 000, unless otherwise deter-
mined by the General Assembly; "
Decided in the negative.