Mr. Daniel submitted the following amendment:
Section 2, line 10, after the first word "shall" insert the
words "have the same qualifications and, "
The question being on the adoption of the amendment,
Mr. Blackiston demanded the yeas and nays;
The demand being sustained,
The yeas and nays were called, and appeared as follows:
Messrs. Hebb, Mullikin,
Blackiston, Hopkins, Parker,
Briscoe, Johnson, Parran,
Brown, King, Peter,
Chambers, Lee, Robinette,
Daniel, Marbury, Turner,
Gale, Miller, Valliant,
Greene, Morgan, Wilmer —23.
Messrs. Farrow, Pugh,
Goldsborough, Pt. Harwood, Purnell,
Abbott, Hatch, Russell,
Annan, Hopper, Sands,
Audoun, Horsey, Schley,
Baker, Jones, of Cecil, Smith, of Carroll,
Bond, Keefer, Smith, of Wor.,
Carter, Kennard, Sneary,
Cunningham, Lansdale, Stirling,
Cushing, Larsh, Stockbridge,
Davis, of Wash., Markey, Swope,
Dellinger, McComas, Sykes,
Dennis, Murray, Wickard,
Earle, Negley, Wooden—43.
So the question upon its adoption was decided in the nega-
Mr. Chambers submitted the following amendment:
Sec. 3, line—, strike out the word "eighty" and insert the
word "seventy, "
Decided in the negative.
Mr. Chambers submitted the following amendment: