Mr. Miller submitted the following amendment:
Section 2, first line, strike out the words "two-thirds, "
and insert the words "three-fifths; "
Decided in the negative.
Mr. Chambers submitted the following amendment:
Add to section 2, the following words: "and no restriction
shall be imposed by the Legislature as to the qualification of
the persons to be chosen as delegates to such Convention, "
The question being on the adoption of the amendment,
Mr. Peter demanded the yeas and nays.
The demand being sustained,
The yeas and nays were called, and appeared as follows:
Messrs. Harwood, Morgan,
Blackiston, Johnson, Parran,
Bond, Lansdale, Peter,
Briscoe, Marbury, Turner,
Chambers, Miller, Wilmer—15.
Messrs. Greene, Parker,
Goldsborough, P't Hatch, Pugh,
Abbott, Hebb, Purnell,
Annan, Hopkins, Robinette^
Audoun, Hopper, Russell,
Baker, Horsey, Sands,
Brown, Jones, of Cecil, Schley,
Carter, Keefer, Smith, of Carroll,
Cunningham, Kennard, Smith, of Wor.,
Cushing, King, Sneary,
Daniel, Larsh, Stirling,
Davis, of Wash., Lee, Stockbridge,
Dellinger, Markey, Swope,
Dennis, McComas, Sykes,
Earle, Mullikin, Valliant,
Ecker,. Murray, Wickard,
Farrow, Negley, Wooden—50.
So the question upon its adoption was decided in the