and supported free of expense for tuition in each School Dis-
trict, for at least six mouths in each year; and in case of a
failure on the part of the General Assembly so to provide, the
system reported to it by the State Superintendant of Public
Instruction shall become a law, and have full effect as if enac-
ted by the General Assembly; provided, that the report of the
State Superintendant shall be in conformity with the provi-
sions of this Constitution.
Sec. 6. The General Assembly shall levy at its first session
after the adoption of this Constitution, an annual tax of not
less than ten cents on each one hundred dollars of taxable
property throughout the State for the support of the free pub-
lic. schools, which tax shall be collected at the same time, and
by the same agents as the general Stat* levy; and shall be
paid into the Treasury of the State, and shall be distributed
under such regulations as may be prescribed by law, among
the Counties and the city of Baltimore, in proportion to their
respective population between the ages of five and twenty
years; Provided, that the General Assembly shall not levy
any additional school tax upon particular counties, unless such
county express by popular vote its desire for such tax; the
city of Baltimore shall provide for its school tax as at present.
Sec 7. The General Assembly shall further provide by law
at its first session after the adoption of this Constitution, a
fund for the support of the free common schools of the State,
by the imposition of an annual tax of a not less annual
amount than three hundred thousand dollars, the proceeds
of which tax shall be known as the school fund, and shall be
invested by the Treasurer, together with its annual interest,
until such time-as said fund shall, by its own increase and
any additions which may be made to it from time to time,
together with the present school fund, amount to six millions
of dollars, after which time the principal shall remain for-
ever inviolate, and shall only be further increased by such
means as the Legislature may determine; and the annual in-
terest of said school fund shall be disbursed for educational
purposes only, as may be prescribed by law.
J. M. CUSHING, Chairman,
Which was read the first time.