Thomas, of Baltimore city, is detained from his seat by sick-
Mr. Cushing, from the Committee on Education, submitted
the following
The Committee on Education and the Encouragement of
Literature, beg leave to submit the following report:
Section 1. The Governor shall, by and with the advice and
consent of the Senate, appoint, within ten days after the rati-
fication by the people of this Constitution, a State Superin-
tendant of Public Instruction, who shall hold his office for
four years, receive an annual salary of three thousand dollars,
exclusive of office and travelling expenses, report to the
General Assembly within thirty days alter the commencement
of its first session under this Constitution, a uniform system
of free public school education, and perform such other duties
pertaining to his office as may from time to time be prescribed.
by law.
Sec. 2. There shall be an Assistant Superintendant of Pub-
lic Instruction in each county and the city of Baltimore, who
shall be appointed by flie State Superintendant of Public In-
struction, shall hold office for four years, receive such com-
pensation and perform such duties as the General Assembly
may prescribe.
Sec. 3. There shall be a State Board of Education, consist-
ing of the Governor of the State, the Lieutenant Governor,
the President of the Seriate, the Speaker of the House of Re-
presentatives, and the State Superintendant of Public Instruc-
tion, which Board shall perform such duties as the General
Assembly may direct.
Sec. 4. There shall be in each county five School Commis-
sioners, who shall be appointed by the State Board of Educa-
tion, shall hold office for four years, and shall perform such
duties as the General Assembly may direct; the School Com-
missioners of Baltimore city shall remain as at present consti-
tuted, and be appointed as at present, by the Mayor and City
Sec. 5. The General Assembly, at its first session after the
adoption of this Constitution, shall provide a uniform system
of free public schools, by which a school shall be kept open