On motion of Mr. Galloway,
It was ordered to be entered upon the Journal, that Mr.
McComas is absent from his seat on account of important busi-
ness connected with the draft.
Mr. Hollyday was excused from attending the sessions of
the Convention for a few days.
Mr. Pugh submitted the following order:
Ordered, That during the consideration of the Report of
the Committee on Basis of Representation, each speaker shall
be limited to ten minutes, and the time shall in no case be
extended excepting upon a concurrence of two-thirds of the
members present.
Mr. Sands submitted the following amendment:
Strike out "ten" and insert "fifteen. "
Mr. Davis, of Charles, submitted the following amend-
Strike out '. 'ten" and insert "thirty. "
The question being on the amendment submitted by Mr.
It was decided in the negative.
Mr. Miller submitted the following amendment:
Strike out "ten, " and insert "twenty; "
Decided in the negative.
The question recurring upon the amendment submitted by
Mr. Sands;
It was decided in the affirmative.
The order as amended, was then adopted.
Mr. Chambers moved to rescind the order adopted July
21st, by which the Convention determined to hold evening
The question being on the adoption of the motion,
Mr. Hebb demanded the yeas and nays,
The demand being sustained,
The yeas and nays were called, and appeared as follows: