Pending the consideration of which,
On motion of Mt. Kennard,
The Convention adjourned.
FRIDAY, July 29th, 1864.
The Convention met at 10 o'clock, A. M.
Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Owen,
All the members present except the following:
Messrs. Belt, Berry, of Baltimore county^ Billingsley,
Brooks, Carter, Cushing, Dent, Gale, Henkle, Hodson, Hoff-
man, Mace, Markey, Mayhugh, McComas, Noble, Schlosser,
Scott, Smith, of Worcester, Thruston, Turner—21.
The proceedings of yesterday were read and improved.
Mr, Abbott submitted the following order:
Ordered, That no entry be made on the Journal hereafter
expressive of members views on subjects acted on in their ab-
sence unless they have been excused, or give satisfactory rea-
sons for their absence from the Convention according to rules,
On motion of Mr. Berry, of Prince George's,
The order was laid on the table.
On motion of Mr. Purnell,
It was ordered to be entered on the Journal that if Mr.
Purnell, of Worcester county, had been present when the votes
were taken upon the order submitted by Mr. Hatch, of Balti-
more city, and the order offered by Mr. Schley, of Frederick
county, on Tuesday, July 19th inst., the order submitted by
Mr. Sands, of Howard county, on Wednesday, July 20th
inst., and the resolution offered by Mr. Stirling, of Balti-
more city, on Thursday, July 21st inst., with regard to the
disloyalists, he would have voted in the affirmative upon each
of said propositions.