The question recurring upon the adoption of the order
submitted by Mr. Schley,
Mr. Barron demanded the yeas and nays,
The demand being sustained,
The yeas and nays were called, and appeared as follows:
Messrs. Galloway, Murray,
Goldsborough, P't Greene, Negley,
Abbott, Hebb, Nyman,
Annan, Hoffman, Pugh,
Belt, Hopkins, Russell,
Cunningham, Hopper, Schley,
Cushing, Keefer, Smith, of Carroll,
Daniel, Markey, Sneary,
Davis, of Wash., McComas, Stirling,
Earle, Mullikin, Wooden—30.
Messrs. Edelen, Miller,
Audoun, Harwood, Morgan,
Barron, Hatch, Parker,
Bond, Henkle, Parran,
Brocks, Hollyday, Ridgely,
Carter, Johnson, Sands,
Chambers, Jones, of Som., Smith, of Dor.,
Crawford, Kennard, Stockbridge,
Dail, King, Sykes,
Davis, of Charles, Larsh, Thomas,
Dent, Lee, Valliant,
l^uvall, Mitchell, Wickard—35.
So the question upon its adoption was decided in the
Mr. Wickard submitted the following order:
Ordered, That the Secretary of this Convention be required
to prepare a correct list of the members who have absented
themselves from the regular sessions of the Convention, to-
gether with the number of times each member has so absent-
ed himself;
Mr. Schley submitted the following amendment:
Amend by adding the words: Specifying the times when
members absented themselves without leave of the Conven-