On motion of Mr. Jones, of Somerset,
It was ordered to be entered on the Journal that Mr. Den-
nis is detained from his seat in the Convention by sickness in
his family.
Mr. Schley submitted the following order:
Ordered, That the Convention take a recess daily for at
least one hour before three o'clock, P. M., at which latter
hour it shall re-assemble, except, on Saturday;
Mr. Abbott moved to lay the order on the table;
The question being on the adoption of the motion,
Mr. Barron demanded the yeas and nays,
The demand being sustained,
The yeas and nays were called, and appeared us follows:
Messrs. Harwood, Morgan,
Abbott, Hoffman, Parker,
Carter, Hollyday, Parran,
Chambers, Hopkins, Sands,
Crawford, Johnson, Smith, of Dor.,
Cushing, Jones, of Bom., Stockbridge,
Dail, Lee, Valliant,
Dent, Mitchell, Wickard—24.
Messrs Ecker, Mullikin,
Goldsborough, P't Galloway, Murray,
Annan, Greene, Negley,
Audoun, Hatch,. Nyman,
Barron, Hebb, Pugh,
Belt, Hopper, Ridgely,
Bond, Keefer, Russell,
Brooks, Kennard, Schley,
Cunningham, King, Smith of Gar.
Daniel, Larsh, Sneary,
Davis, of Charles, Markey, Stirling,
Davis, of Wash. McComas, Thomas,
Duvall, Miller, Wooden—38.
So the question upon its adoption was decided in the