Mitchell, Donaldson, Dorsey, Wells, Kent,
Weems, Dalrymple, Brent of Charles, Jenifer,
Ridgely, John Dennis, Dashiell, Williams, Hicks,
Hodson, Goldsborough, Eccleston, Phelps, Bowie,
Sprigg, McCubbin, Bowling, Dirickson, McMas-
ter, Hearn, Fooks, Jacobs, Johnson, Schley,
Fiery, Neill, John Newcomer, Brewer, Weber,
Hollyday, Fitzpatrick and Smiths—44.
Negative—Messrs. Howard, Bill, Welch,
Lloyd, Sherwood of Talbot, Colston, Miller,
McLane, Spencer, George, Wright, Thomas,
Shriver, Gaither, Biser, Annan, Sappington,
Stephenson, McHenry, Nelson, Thawley, Stew-
art of Caroline, Gwinn, Stewart of Baltimore
city, Brent of Baltimore city, Sherwood of Balti-
more city. Ware, Harbine, Michael Newcomer,
Anderson, Puke, Shower and Brown—33.
So the fifth amendment was adopted.
The sixth amendment was then read and re-
The seventh and last amendment was then read.
Mr. DORSEY demanded the yeas and nays,
which being ordered and taken, resulted as fol-
Affirmative.—Messrs. Dent, Dorsey, Wells.
Kent, Weems, Dalrymple, John Dennis, Dashiell,
Williams, Hicks, Hodson. Phelps, Miller, Mc-
Lane, Dirickson, McMaster, Hearn, Fooks, An-
nan, Schley, Fiery, Neill, John Newcomer; Har-
bine, Waters and Smith—37.
Negative—Messrs. Morgan, Blakistone, Hope-
well, Ricaud, Lee, Mitchell, Brent of Charles,
Jenifer, Howard, Bell, Welch, Chandler, Ridge-
ly, Lloyd, Sherwood of Talbot, Colston, Golds-
borough. Eccleston, Constable, Bowie, Sprigg,
McCubbin, Spencer, Wright, Jacobs, Thomas,
Shriver, Johnson, Gaither, Sappington, Stephen-
son, McHenry, Nelson, Carter, Thawley, Stew-
art of Caroline, Hardcastle, Gwinn, Stewart of
Baltimore city. Brent of Baltimore city, Sher-
wood of Baltimore city, Ware, Michael New-
comer, Kilgour, Brewer, Anderson, Hollyday,
Fitzpatrick, Parke, Shower, Cockey and Brown
The seventh amendment was rejected.
Mr. JOHNSON moved to suspend further pro-
ceedings on the report under consideration, for
the purpose of enabling him to offer the follow-
ing order:
Ordered, That after the committee on revision
shall have completed their report on the revision
of the project of a Constitution, to be submitted
to the people of this State, the same shall be
signed by the President, and Secretary of this
Convention, and be published as already prescri-
bed for by an order of this Convention.
Which was read, and
On motion of Mr. JOHNSON, laid on the table.
The Convention than resumed the consider-
ation of the report, of the committee on the
Elective Franchise.
On motion of Mr. CHAMBERS, of Kent,
The third and fourth sections of the report
were stricken out.
Mr. CHAMBERS, of Kent, moved to amend the
report by substituting in lieu of the sections
stricken out, the following: |
"Every person elected or appointed to any office
of profit or trust under the Constitution or laws
made pursuant thereto, before he shall enter upon
the duties of such office shall take and subscribe
the following oath or affirmation: I, A. B. do
swear or affirm, as the case may be, that I will
support the Constitution of the United States,
and that I will be faithful and bear true allegi-
ance to the State of Maryland, and support the
Constitution and Laws thereof; that I will to the
best of my ilkill and judgment, diligently and
faithfully without partiality or prejudice, execute
the office of according to the Constitu-
tion and Laws of this State, and that since the
adoption of the present Constitution, I have not,
in any manner, violated the provisions thereof in
relation to bribery of voters, (and if a Governor,
Senator, member of the House of Delegates or
Judge,) "that I will not directly or indirectly,
receive the profits or any part of the profits of
any other office during the time of my acting as
" and if any person elected or appoint-
ed to office as aforesaid, shall refuse or neglect
to take the said oath or affirmation he shall be
considered as having refused to accept the said
office, and a new election or appointment shall
be made, as in case of refusal or resignation, and
every person swearing falsely in the premises,
shall on conviction thereof in a court of law, in-
cur the penalties for wilful and corrupt perjury;
and be thereafter incapable of voting at any
election, and also incapable of holding any office
of profit or trust in this State."
Which was read.
On motion of Mr. SPENCER,
The amendment was amended by inserting af-
ter the word "voters," in the 13th line, these words
"or preventing legal, or procuring illegal voles
to be given."
The section was then adopted as amended.
The report having been read through as
amended and adopted;
On motion, it was referred to the committee
on Revision.
The hour of two o'clock having arrived,
The Convention took a recess until four o'-
clock, p. m.
The Convention met.
Mr. MCHENRY submitted the following order ••
Ordered, That the present officers of this Con-
vention receive the mileage usually allowed to
similar officers of the Legislature.
Mr. HICKS moved to amend the order, by
adding at the end thereof the following:
"And also the three who were discharged."
Mr. THAWLEY moved to lay the order and
amendment on the table.
Mr. HARDCASTLE moved that the question he
taken by yeas and nays, which being ordered,
appeared as follows:
Affirmative— Messrs. Bell, Ridgely, Colston,
Dashiell, McLane, Spencer, Wright, Thomas,
Shriver, Gaither, Biser, Annan, Sappington, |