By Mr. Weber concerning .the ab-
sence of Mr. Sherwood, of Tal-
bot, 131
By Mr. Mich'l Newcomer for Even-
ing Sessions, 176
By Mr. Thomas directing lithograph-
ing of State Map, 180
By Mr. Blakistone concerning the
absence of Mr. Dent, 201
By Mr. Sollers relating to the case
of James S. Mitchell, 201
By Mr. R. J. Brent relative to uni-
form rates of toll, 201
By Mr. Tuck relative to a commit-
tee on Revision, 245
By Mr. Dirickson concerning the ab-
sence of Mr. Jacobs, 269
By Mr. Gwinn concerning the ab-
sence of Mr. Presstman, S69
By Mr. Stephenson concerning Even-
ing Sessions, 329
By Mr. Chambers, of Kent, con-
cerning hour of meeting on Mon-
days, 396
By Mr. Stewart, of Caroline, con-
cerning the absence of Mr. Car-
ter, 484
By Mr. Annan to close general de-
bate on the Judiciary Report, 484
By Mr. R. J. Brent as a substitute
for Mr. Annan's order, 486
By Mr. Welsh relative to persons
refusing to do military duty, 504
By Mr. Stewart, of Baltimore city,
from the committee on Printing,
concerning additional sums to the
Printer, 550
By Mr. Chambers, of Kent, concern-
ing the State Map. 596, 597
By Mr. Magraw concerning the
Journal of the Convention to be
kept as a record, 605
By Mr. Buchanan concerning the ab-
sence of Mr. Welsh, 608
By Mr. Wells concerning the pay of
Benjamin Hopkins, 620
By Mr. Thawley prohibiting mem-
bers standing over the Clerk's
desk during the call of the yeas
and nays, 620
By the same concerning motions to
re-consider, 620
By Mr. Michael Newcomer con-
cerning a daily recess, 641
By Mr. Hicks a. substitute for the
last mentioned order, 642
By Mr. Mitchell in favor of James
Bransell, 716
By Mr. Shriver concerning the ab-
sence of Mr, Biser, 730
By Mr. Jacobs concerning the ab-
sence of Mr. Lambden, 741
By Mr. Stephenson concerning the
absence of Mr. Sappington, 741
By Mr. Bell concerning Supervisors
of Roads, 741 |
By Mr. Ricaud concerning the
bound copies of the Register of
Debates of the Convention, 741
By Mr. Howard concerning the final
disposition of the business of the
Convention, 780,781
By Mr. Dashiell concerning the ab-
sence of Mr. J. U. Dennis, 781
By Mr. Davis concerning a recess, 783
Substitute, of Mr. Tuck for said or-
der, 783
By Mr. Lee concerning compensa-
tion to the Chaplains of the Con-
vention, 783
By Mr. Tuck. to close the Journal of
Accounts, 784
By Mr. Jacobs to consider the Re-
port on Free Colored Population, 784
By Mr. Randall concerning the
printing and circulation of copies
of the new Constitution. 803
Mr. Howard's substitute for the said
Older, 804
Mr. Gwinn's substitute for the said
Order, 805
Mr. Stewart's, of Caroline, substi-
tute for the said Order, 805
Mr. Sollers' substitute for the said
Order, 805
By John Newcomer as to hour of
meeting, 837
By Mr. Grason concerning the per
diem of the President of the Con-
vention, 838,874
By Mr. Dent concerning expenses
of State Map, 841
By Mr. Thomas respecting the ap-
plication to the Elective Fran-
chise Report of the general Order
limiting debate, 855, 856
By Mr. Johnson concerning the sig-
nature and publication of the
amended Constitution, 864, 866
By Mr. McHenry respecting mile-
age to the Officers of the Conven-
tion, 864
By Mr. Spriggs for compensation to
certain Officers of the Convention
for extra services, 865
By Mr. Gwinn as to new matter, 866
By Mr. Thomas substitute for the
Order of Mr. Johnson concerning
the signature and publication of
the amended Constitution, 866
By Mr. Morgan for compensation to
George S. King, for extra servi-
uca, 866
By Mr. Constable for compensation
to Samuel Peacock, for extra ser-
vices, 867
By Mr. Bowie for compensation to
certain Officers of the Convention
for extra services, 868
By Mr. Thawley substitute for the
last mentioned Order, 868
By Mr. Chandler another substitute, 868 |