Of Members of the Legislature. [See
Legislative Department.]
OFFICE, disqualifications for, under the
new Constitution, propositions re-
lating to, Vol. I, 201, 205, 206, 338,
381, Vol. II, 257, 258, 381, 384
OFFICERS, civil. [See Civil Officers.]
OFFICERS, State, proposition of Mr.
Dorsey, requiring those whose an-
nual compensation exceeds $3,000,
to refund the excess, Vol. II, 814
ORDER, questions of, Vol. I, 260, 288,
300, 319, 327, 374, 402, 431, 437,
441, 460, 490, 515, 529, Vol. II, 36,
53, 145, 146, 149, 153, 170, 379,384,
403, 408, 449, 501, 513, 587, 588,
591, 595, 601, 623, 625, 634, 705,
712, 720, 722. 725,809, 856, 870, 882
ORDERS. [See also, Resolutions.]
Vol. I.
By Mr. Brown as to census returns, 25
By Mr. Harbine as to absence of
Mr. Michael Newcomer, 25
By Mr. Hearn as to absence of Mr.
Jacobs, 25
By Mr. Hicks relating to night ses-
sions, 35
By Mr. Jenifer limiting time of
speaking, 35
By Mr. Dorsey relating to causes
of absence, 35
By Mr. Ridgely as to hour of meet-
ing, 65
By Mr. Stephenson concerning
Charters offcorporations, 82
By Mr. McHenry to close debate on
the pending Article of Elective
Franchise Report, 83
By Mr. Gwinn to close debate on
the Elective Franchise Report, 97
Several amendments thereto, 95
By Mr. Brent, of Baltimore city,
amendatory of the 17th Rule, 99
By Mr. Brent concerning the pre-
vious question, and prohibiting
the Convention resolving itself
into Committee, 104
His substitute therefor, 104
By Mr. Blakistone to print the
Rules as amended, 106
By Mr. Presstman concerning the
relation of Master and Slave, 113
By Mr. Merrick for the constitu-
tion of a Board of Public Works, 114
By Mr. Thawley concerning extra
copies of the Journal, 126
By Mr. Dirickson concerning the
absence of himself and Mr, Lee, 130
By Mr, Parke concerning certain
proposed amendments to the Bill
of Rights, 130
By Mr. Weber, directing articles
and amendments to be entered on
the Journal, 130
By Mr. Blakistone concerning cop-
ies of the Journal to newspaper
Editors, 131 |
By Mr. Brent of Baltimore city,
concerning the purification of the
Hall, 139
By Mr. Magraw as to the arrange-
ment of seats in the Hall, 149
By Mr. Stephenson concerning the
hour of meeting, 149
By Mr. Presstman as to rights and
interests of parties pending suit, 158
By Mr. Mitchell concerning desks, 169
By Mr. Weems as to hour of meet-
ing, 176
By Mr. Biser as to seats, 207
By Mr. Cockey concerning Mr.
Brown's absence, 207
By Mr. Randall concerning synopsis
of the relative increase or dimi-
nution of the slaves and free col-
ored population of Maryland, 207
By Mr. Phelps concerning Basis of
Representation, 235
By Mr. Smith concerning the ap-
pointment of committee on New
Counties, 243
By Mr. John Dennis concerning the
absence of Mr. J. U. Dennis, 260
By Mr, Stephenson concerning the
absence of Mr. Sappington, 319
By Mr. Morgan concerning the ab-
sence of Mr. Hopewell, 325
By Mr. Kilgour for adjournment in
honor of Washington's birth-day, 325
By Mr. Sellman concerning the ex-
penses of Tobacco inspection, 326
By Mr. Neill with certain instruc-
tions to the committee on Repre-
sentation, 371
By Mr. Sappington in relation to the
discharge of the Door-keepers, 478
By Mr. Brent, of Baltimore city,
concerning Clerks and Door-keep-
era 495
By Mr. Hicks concerning Clerks
and Door-keepers, 495
By Mr. Smith for the printing of the
various plans relating to the Re-
presentation Question, 496
Vol. 2.
By Mr. McHenry to close debate on
the Report concerning the Attor-
ney General and his Deputies, 5
By Mr. Crisfield concerning the ab-
sence of Mr. Dashiell, 19
By Mr. Mitchell concerning his ab-
sence, 19
By Mr. Jenifer concernig the ab-
sence of the President of the Con-
vention, 19
By Mr. Brown concerning his ab-
sence, 19
By Mr. Howard to close debate on
the Representation Question, 78
By Mr. J, U. Dennis limiting dehate
on the Representation Question, 60, 131
By Mr. Dorsey concerning the ab-
sence of Mr. Davis, 131 |