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Proceedings and Debates of the 1850 Constitutional Convention
Volume 101, Volume 1, Debates 453   View pdf image
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crick, Washington and Allegany, which said
counties shall, in like manner, together consti-
tute, and be known, as the Third Gubernatorial
Sec. 7. He shall, at stated times, receive a
compensation for his services, which shall not be
increased or diminished during the term for which
he shall have been elected, which compensation
shah be dollars per annum.
See. 8. No person holding the office of Gov-
ernor, shall hold any other office or commission
civil or military nor receive the perquisites, or
any part of the perquisites, of any other office,
Sec. 9. He shall be the Commander-in-Chief of
the army and navy of thin State, and of the militia,
except when they may be called into the ser-
vice of the United States; and shall, (by and
with the advice and consent of the Senate,) ap-
point and commission all the officers of the mili-
tia; and all commissions shall be in the name
and by the authority of the State of Maryland,
be sealed with the seal of the State, signed by
the Governor, and attested by the Secretary of
State; and the seal of the State heretofore used
as such, shall be the future seal of this State and
be kept by the Governor and used by him officially.

Sec. 10 He may by proclamation, should the
public exigencies require it, convene the Legislature
at the seat of Government, or at a different
place, should the seat of Government be at the
time visited by any infectious disease, or be in
the actual possession of a public enemy; and
when assembled he shall, in writing, state to
them the purposes for which they were assembled;
but they shall transact no legislative business
other than that for which they were so especially
assembled. He shall reside at the seat of Gov-
ernment, and the city of Annapolis ahull continue
to be the seat of Government of this State.
Sec. 11. He shall, from time to time, give to
the Legislature information in writing, of the
state of the Government, and recommend to their
consideration such measures as he may deem ex-
Sec. 12. He shall take care that the laws be
faithfully executed.
Sec 13. He shall have power to grant nolle
prosequies and, after conviction to grant re-
prieves, commutations and pardons, for all offen-
ces, except, treason and cases of impeachment,
upon such conditions, restrictions, and limitations
as he may think proper, subject, nevertheless, to
such regulations as may be provided by law rela-
tive to the manner of applying for pa, dons; and,
under such rules as the legislature shall prescribe,
he shall have power to remit fines and forfeit-
ures. In cases of treason, he shall have power
by and with the advice of the Senate, to grant
reprieves and pardons; and he may, in the recess
of the Senate, suspend the execution of the sen-
tence until the next meeting of the Legislature,
to which he shall report the case and the Legis-
lature shall either pardon or commute the sen-
tence, direct the execution of the sentence, or
grant a further reprieve. He shall annually
communicate to the Legislature the number of
nolle prosequies granted during the year, and
also each case of reprieve, commutation and
pardon granted for the same lime, and he shall
state the name of the convict, the crime of which
he was convicted, the sentence and its date, and
the date of the commutation, suspension, pardon
or reprive.
Sec. 14. He shall have power to fill all vacan-
cies in the civil offices of the government which
may occur during the recess of the Legislature;
and all such appointments, so made, shall be valid
and remain good to the end of the first session of
the Legislature thereafter.
Sec. 15. He shall nominate and by and with
the advice and consent of the Senate, shall ap-
point all officers of the State whose offices are,
or may be created by law, and whose appoint-
ment shall not be otherwise provided for by the
Constitution and form of government, or by any
law not inconsistent with the Constitution and
form of government.
Sec. 16. He may remove any of the civil offi-
cers of the Government, of his appointment,
upon satisfactory evidence of any malfeasance in
office, but shall report every such case to the Le-
gislature at the next session thereafter.
Sec. 17. He may call out the militia to repel
invasion, suppress insurrection, and to enforce,
if needs be, the execution of the laws.
Sec. 18 There shall be a contingent fund of
dollars placed at the control of the Governor, to
be expended by him for such purpose? only as
may appear to him necessary to the faithful 'dis-
charge of his duties, and he shall report annual-
ly to the legislature the amount expended, the
object and purposes for which said amount so ex-
pended, was incurred.
Sec. 19. The Governor before he enters upon
the duties of his office shall, in the presence of
both Houses of the legislature, take and sub-
scribe the following oath : I do solemnly swear
or affirm upon the Holy Evangily of Almighty
God that I will support the Constitution and Jaws
of the State of Maryland, so help me God.
Sec. 20. There shall also be a Lieutenant Gov-
ernor, who shall be chosen at every election for
Governor, by the same persons, and in the same
manner, and from the same gubernatorial dis-
trict, who shall continue in office for the same
time and possess the same qualifications. In vot-
ing for governor and lieutenant governor, the
electors shall distinguish for whom they vote as
lieutenant governor. (The lieutenant governor
shall, by virtue of his office, be president of the
Senate, and shall, when the Senate is equally di-
vided give the casting vote.) In case of the
death, resignation, removal from office, inability
or refusal of the governor to serve, or of his im-
peachment, or absence from the State, the lieu-
tenant governor shall exercise the power and
authority appertaining to the office of governor,
until another be chosen at the periodical elec-
tion, and be duly qualified, or until the governor
impeached, absent or disabled, shall be acquitted,
return, or disability be removed.
Sec. 21. Whenever the government shall be
administered by the lieutenant governor, or he
shall be enabled to attend, as President of the Senate,
the Senate shall elect one of their own

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Proceedings and Debates of the 1850 Constitutional Convention
Volume 101, Volume 1, Debates 453   View pdf image
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