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Proceedings and Debates of the 1850 Constitutional Convention
Volume 101, Volume 1, Debates 452   View pdf image
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the same office during the recess of the Legisla-
Sec. 15 All civil officers appointed by the Go-
vernor and Senate, shall be nominated to the
Senate within fifteen days from the commence-
ment of each regular session of the Legislature;
and their term of office shall commence on the
first Monday of May next ensuing their appoint-
ment, and continue tor one year, (unless they are
sooner removed from office,) or until their successors
respectively, qualify according to law.
Sec 16. The Governor may suspend or arrest
any military officer of the State, for disobedience
of orders, or other military offence, and may re-
move him in pursuance of the sentence of a court
martial; and may suspend or remove any civil
officer whose tenure of office is not placed be-
yond his control by some other provision of this
Sec. 17. The Governor may convene the Legis-
lature or the Senate alone, on extraordinary oc-
casions; and whenever, from the presence of an
enemy, or from any other cause, the seat of Go-
vernment shall become an unsafe place for the
meeting of the Legislature he may direct their
sessions to be held at some other convenient
Sec. 18. He shall from time to time, inform the
Legislature of the condition of the State and re-
commend to their consideration such measures as
he may judge necessary and expedient.
Sec. 19. He shall have power to grant reprieves
and pardons, (except in cases of impeachment,)
and to remit fines and forfeitures for offences
against the State; but shall in every case in which
he exercises this power, report to either branch
of the Legislature, whenever required, the peti-
tions, recommendations and reasons, which in-
fluence his decision.
Sec. 20. For contingent expenditures, not pro-
vided for by law, he may draw from the treasury
such sums of money as the public service may
require, provided that the whole amount shall
not exceed thousand dollars in any one
year; and he shall inform the Legislature, at the
commencement of each regular session, of the
amount of the sums so drawn, the purposes to
which they were applied, and the names of the
persons to whom they were respectively paid.
Sec. 21 And the Governor shall reside at the
seat of government, in order that he may con-
stantly attend to the duties of his office, and shall
receive for his services an annual salary of four
thousand dollars.
Sec. 22. The Secretary of State shall be ap-
pointed by the Governor, by and with the advile
and consent of the Senate, and shall continue in
office, unless sooner removed, till the end of the
term for which the Governor, appointing him,
was elected, or until his successor shall qualify,
and shall receive such annual compensation as
may be fixed by the Legislature.
Sec. 23. And he shall carefully keep and pre-
serve a record of all official executive acts and
proceedings, and shall lay the same before either
branch of the Legislature whenever required,
and shall perform such other duties as may be
prescribed by law, or as may properly belong to
his office.
Mr. SPRIGG offered a substitute for the report
of the gentleman from Queen Anne's, (Mr.
Grason,) which substitute was read as follows :
Sec. 1. The supreme executive power of this
State shall be vested in a chief magistrate who
shall be styled the Governor of the State of Ma-
Sec. a. The first election for Governor, in pur-
suance of this constitution shall be held at the
same time and places of electing electors of Pre-
sident and Vice President of the United states
in the year eighteen hundred and fifty-two, and
at the same time and places in every fourth year
thereafter; and every free white male citizen,
possessing the legal qualifications or electors of
this State, shall be entitled to vote for Governor.
See. 3, The returns of every election for Gov-
ernor, until otherwise provided by law, shall be
made out, sealed up and transmitted to the seat
of government, and directed to the Speaker of
the House of Delegates, who shall, during the
first week of tie next session of the Legislature
thereafter, open and publish them in the presence
of both Houses of the Legislature; and the person
having the highest number of legal votes, and
being constitutionally eligible, shall be declared
by the Speaker, under the direction of the Legis-
lature, to be Governor; but if two or more per-
sons shall have the highest, and an equal number
of votes, one of them shall be immediately cho-
sen Governor by joint vote of both Houses of
the Legislature. Contested elections for Govern-
or shall be determined by both Hi uses of the Le-
Sec. 4, The Governor shall hold his office for
the term of four years from the first Monday of
January, eighteen hundred and fifty-three, and
for the same term, and from the same day, in
every fourth year thereafter, and until his suc-
cessor shall be duly qualified.
Sec. 5. No person who shall be hereafter elect-
ed Governor of this state, in pursuance of the
provisions of this constitution, and shall act as
such, shall be again eligible until, and after the
expiration of the next succeeding six yearn; he
shall be, at least thirty years of age, a native
born citizen of the United States, a citizen of this
State for ten consecutive years and an actual re-
sident of the gubernatorial district from which
he may betaken, three whole years next proceed-
ing his election.
Sec. 6. The first Governor elected under the
provisions of this constitution, shall be taken
from the counties of Saint Mary's, Charles, Calvert,
Prince George, Anne Arundel, (including
the City of Annapolis,) Montgomery and the
City of Baltimore; which said counties and city,
shall, together constitute and be known as the
First Gubernatorial District; at the second elec-
tion he shall be taken from the counties of Cecil,
Kent, Queen Anne, Caroline, Talbot, Dorches-
ter, Somerset and Worcester, which said coun-
ties shall, in like manner, together constitute and
be known as the Second Gubernatorial District ;
and at the third election he shall be taken from
the counties of Baltimore, Harford, Carroll, Fred-

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Proceedings and Debates of the 1850 Constitutional Convention
Volume 101, Volume 1, Debates 452   View pdf image
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