Worcester County—Levin L. Dirickson, Samuel S. McMaster,
Ebenezer Hearn, James M. Fooks, Curtis W. Jacobs.
Frederick county-—Francis Thomas, Edward Shriver, William
Cost Johnson, John D. Gaiher, Daniel S. Biser, Robert Annan.
Harford county—John Sappington, William B. Stephenson,
Ramsey McHenry, Samuel M. Magraw, James Nelson.
Varoline Caunty—Richard C. Carter, John Thawley, Thomas
R. Stewart, Ed ward Hardcasil e.
Baltimore city_Charles 3. M. Gwinn, David Stewart, Robert
3. Brent, George W. Sherwood, Benjamin C. Presstman, Elias
Ware, Jr.
Washington county—George Schley, Lewis P. Fiery, Alex
ander Neill, Jr., John Newcomer, Thomas Harbine, Michael
Montgomery County—John M. Kilgour, Allen Bowie Davis,
Washington Walers, John Brewer, James W. Anderson.
Allegany County—William Weber, William M. Hollyday,
John Slicer, James Fitzpatrick, Samuel P. Smith.
Carroll County—Andrew G. Ege, Mordecai G. Cockey, Joseph
M. Parke, Jacob Shower, Elias Brown.
The roll being called by the Secretary, all the Delegates elect
were present, except Mr. GRASON, of Queen Anne's, Messrs.
Mr. WILLIAM A. SPENCER, of Queen Anne's, apologised for
the absence of his colleague, Mr. GRA SON, on account of indispo
On motion of Mr. DANIEL JENIFER, of Charles, the Conven
tion adjourned until to-morrow, at 12 o'clock.
WEDNESDAY, November 6th, 1850.
The Convention re-assembled pursuant to adjournment. Mr.
BENJAMIN C. HOWARD in the Chair.
The roll being called by the Secretary, all the Delegates elect
were present, except Mr. William Grason, of Queen Anne's.
The minutes of yesterday were read and approved.
Mr. McHenry of Harford county, moved that the Convention
now proceed to elect a President viva voce.
Mr. Dorsey of Anne Arundel, asked a division of the question,
and the question being on the first branch of the proposition,
o wit:
"That this Convention now proceed to the election of a Presi
It was agreed to.